Backyard Boss

Iris Leung

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4 Best Plants For Your Shower

While all tropical plants love humidity, the ones on this list prefer higher humidity than normal. Here are the best plants for your shower.

4 Benefits of Having a Monstera Plant in Your Home

Monstera plants are a fan favourite of the houseplant community, due to their beauty, ease of care, and a handful of other reasons.

5 Best Plants For Terracotta Pots

Terracotta is one of the most widely-loved types of pots for aesthetics and function. Here's a list of the best plants for terracotta pots.

How to Care for Begonias as Houseplants

Some begonias are better suited as houseplants than others. Here's a list of four begonias to bring into the home.

6 Best Plants for Your Office

Plants enrich work spaces aesthetically and help with boosting productivity. Here's a list of the six best plants for the office.

5 Reasons to Add a Snake Plant to Your Bedroom

The snake plant is an ideal houseplant for your bedroom. And not just because it boosts aesthetics. Read about its benefits here!

4 Reasons Why Your Cactus Has Brown Spots

The reasons for brown spots on your cactus can vary greatly. Learn how to identify the causes and prevent them.

8 Bedroom Plants For Better Sleep

Need better sleep? Have the right plants in your bedroom to help calm your sense. Beauty and relaxation to the rescue!

5 Common Indoor Plants Poisonous For Kids

Here's a list of some of the most common poisonous oxalate-containing indoor plants from the Araceae family.

Female hand Spraying Water Green Leaves of Succulent Jade Plant. Indoor potted fresh plants on the windowsill in the sunlight.
7 Fastest Growing Indoor Plants

Here are some of the fastest growing indoor plants that are beginner-friendly to contribute to your jungle at home.