Do you want to upgrade the aesthetic of your home? Are you looking for a plant that’s tough, effortlessly beautiful, and adds a pop of green no matter where it ends up? Well, the ZZ Plant is one of the most popular houseplants around, and for good reason.

This plant is incredibly resilient, making it a brilliant choice if you’re new to gardening or have busy lives that leave little room for tending to plants. But beyond its ease of care, there are several other benefits that make having this striking plant in your home a smart decision. Keep reading to discover five benefits of having a ZZ Plant!

Easy To Propagate

Medium sized ZZ plant in a while pot

Image credits: Lokesh Tiwari via Pexel

Propagation of ZZ plants is a simple process that can give you many more plants at the fraction of the cost. You can use either division or cuttings to get the most out of your  plant.

If dividing, gently separate the rhizomes and repot your new green friend into their own container.

For leaf or stem cutting, choose mature leaves as they will develop roots quicker. Place the cutting in water while ensuring not to cover the foliage. When you see roots start to form, it can then be transferred into soil.

Needs Minimal Care

Image credits: NRYS studio via Shutterstock

ZZ plants are one of the simplest houseplants to care for. They require minimal maintenance and can go for months without water, making them a superb choice for busy people who want a bit of greenery in their homes.

The best way to take care of your ZZ plant is to provide bright, indirect light. Additionally, they aren’t picky about the soil they are in, as long as it has good drainage. To aid your plant use a succulent soil mix or you can add extra perlite for quality drainage.

Water your plant only when the top few inches of soil have dried out completely. Do not over-water, as this can cause root rot or make the leaves change yellow or brown.

Purifies The Air

plants in front of a window

Image credits: Kadarius Seegars via unsplash

Looking for a way to make your home healthier and cleaner? ZZ plants might be the answer! Not only do these plants add a stylish touch of green to any space, but they also have the potential to reduce air pollutants from contaminated indoor air.

ZZ plants can remove ethylbenzene, benzene, toluene, and xylene. These are four of the common pollutant gases in indoor environments, and ZZ plants can get rid of them through their natural uptake process.

Investing in some of these trusty sidekicks isn't just an aesthetic decision, it can help make your home a healthier environment.

Resistant To Pests 

ZZ plant in corner

Image credit Ksenia Chernaya via Pexels

Not only do ZZ plants require minimal water and light, but they’re also highly resistant to pests! Aphids, mealybugs, scales, and spider mites more often steer clear of ZZ plants.

In the rare event that you notice some bug activity on your plant, a homemade bug spray or a solution of Neem oil can help get rid of them quickly and easily without damaging your beloved greenery.

Beautifies The Home 

ZZ Raven Plant

Image credits: Andriana Syvanych via Shutterstock

The ZZ plant is a stunning addition to any home, bringing an exotic touch that will elevate even the smallest corner of the home. The hardy foliage has a vibrant, lime-green hue and grows in an elegant zigzag pattern that adds texture and depth to interiors.

As mentioned, this plant requires minimal care and can survive the toughest conditions, like dark corners or rooms without windows. For these reasons, ZZ plants make the perfect houseplant for busy people looking for an effortless way to beautify their homes.

Whether you’re styling your living room with contemporary flair or sprucing up your bedroom with natural touches, the lush leaves of the ZZ plant will be a stylish highlight.

ZZ Plant Facts

ZZ plant with water on leaves

Image credits: SHVETS production via pexels

The ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) is native to East Africa, from Kenya to South Africa, and comes from the Araceae family. It was known for being one of the toughest houseplants.

Its scientific name originates from its resemblance to certain kinds of cycads. Cycads are ancient plants older then dinosaurs.

Even more fascinating, its fallen leaflets can take root and sprout new plants. This is an incredible reproductive strategy that makes it incredibly hardy and resilient. In nature, you can find the ZZ plant along riverbanks, in grasslands, and in other areas with low light levels. If you're lucky you'll see beautiful spadix-type flowers, similar to the peace lily.

With leathery leaves and waxy stems, ZZ plants can store water in their potato-like rhizomes underground. This trait helps them survive times of drought.

Easy BreeZZy!

If you’re looking for a low-maintenance houseplant that comes with a host of benefits, the ZZ plant is a great choice.

These plants are easy to care for and propagate, making them ideal for busy households. Not only do they purify the air in your home, but they also add a touch of beauty to any space. With all the advantages of owning a ZZ plant, it’s no wonder why they’re becoming so popular!

If you have any questions or tips to share about caring for these plants, please leave a comment below. And share this post with your family and friends if you found it helpful! Thanks for reading!