Companion planting is the practice of growing different types of plants together in order to reap the benefits of their symbiotic relationship. This practice can provide numerous benefits to both the plants and the gardener, including pest control, improved yields, and enhanced soil health. When companion planting, it is important to choose plants that will complement each other in terms of their needs and preferences.

Cabbage is a versatile and popular vegetable, but it can be tricky to companion plant. Some plants simply don't play well with cabbage, while others can help it to thrive.

Here are thirteen of the best and worst companion plants for cabbage.

The Worst Companion Plants for Cabbage


yellow shoulder on tomatoes

Image credits: Matthew Lakeland via Unsplash

The two plants compete for space and nutrients, so they really shouldn't be planted together. Additionally, cabbage can attract pests that will then prey on the tomatoes. So if you're looking to companion plant these two vegetables, it's best to keep them separate.


Corn for companion planting Cabbage

Image credits: Wouter Supardi Salari via Unsplash

The two plants compete for space and resources, and the cabbage usually comes out on top. This can result in stunted growth and reduced yields for the corn. In addition, the cabbage can attract pests and diseases that may then infect the corn. It's best to plant these crops in separate areas of the garden to avoid problems.


Potatoes in a sack on dirt

Image credits: Couleur via Pixabay

The two vegetables should not be planted near each other. Cabbage emits a substance that inhibits the growth of potatoes. Additionally, this companion planting pair can lead to disease and pest problems. Therefore, it's best to avoid companion planting these two vegetables.


Basket of green beans

Image credits: Couleur via Pixabay

Companion planting beans for cabbage is not a great idea because the beans will rob the nitrogen from the soil that the cabbage needs to grow. Also, the bean plants will shade out the cabbage, preventing it from getting enough sunlight.

The Best Companion Plants for Cabbage


Onion as a companion plant to cabbage

Image credits: Goh Rhy Yan via Unspalsh

Onion is a great companion plant for cabbage. They share the same pests, so keeping them together can help to reduce pest problems. They also don't compete for nutrients, so they can help each other to thrive.


garlic bulbs

Image credits: LoboStudioHamburg via Pixabay

Companion planting garlic for cabbage is a great way to keep your plants healthy and free of pests. Garlic is known to repel many common garden pests, so planting it near cabbage will help keep them away. Cabbage is also a heavy feeder, so the extra nitrogen from the garlic will be beneficial


Yellow marigolds

Image credits: Terriell Scrimager via Unsplash

The marigolds release a chemical into the soil that helps to keep away aphids, whiteflies, and other harmful pests. This means that your cabbage plants will be healthier and will produce more food.


Nasturtium on a garden fence

Image credits: ZU_09 via Canva

Nasturtiums are great companion plants for cabbage. Like marigolds, they help to keep pests away and add a splash of color to the garden. Cabbage and nasturtiums make a great team!


Creamy Dill Vegetable Dip

Image credits: LauriPatterson via Canva

Companion planting dill for cabbage is good because the dill repels the insects that would otherwise eat the cabbage. The dill also attracts beneficial creatures like ladybugs and lacewings, which help to keep the caterpillars in check. Additionally, dill provides a nice flavor to the cabbage when it is harvested.


Chamomile in a bunch

Image credits: Yaroslava Stupnytska via Unsplash

Chamomile and cabbage are excellent companions! The chamomile helps to improve the growth and flavor of cabbage, deters pests, and doesn't compete for nutrients. Plant them together in your garden and enjoy bountiful harvests of delicious cabbage!


Herb Garden - Thyme on the Rocks

Image credits: 2ndLookGraphics via Canva

Cabbage and thyme are good companions in the garden. Cabbage provides shade and shelter for the thyme, and the thyme helps to keep pests away from the cabbage. Together, they make a great team!


trailing rosemary

Image credits: LukeLuke68 via Canva

Rosemary is a great companion plant for cabbage. The herb provides a nice flavor to the cabbage and can help repel pests. Rosemary can also help improve the soil quality around cabbage plants.


Purple Salvia Plant

Image Credits: KarenJubenville via Pixabay

Sage is a great companion plant for cabbage. It helps to repel caterpillars and other pests, and also improves the flavor of cabbage when used in cooking. When planting sage near cabbage, make sure to give them both plenty of room to grow. Sage can get quite large, so it's best to plant it in a spot where it won't crowd out other plants.

A Note About Companion Planting

Growing many cabbages next to each other

Image Credits: Soo Ann Woon on Unsplash

When it comes to companion planting, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, make sure that the plants you choose don't compete for nutrients. Second, try to choose plants that will help deter pests from your cabbage. And finally, don't forget to consider the overall size of the plants you're companion planting with cabbage. You don't want them to shade out your cabbage or crowd it out of the garden.

Keep these things in mind and you'll be sure to have a successful companion planting experience with cabbage. Companion planting can be a great way to deter pests, improve yields, and even save space in the garden. So don't be afraid to give it a try!

In Summary

Companion planting is a great way to garden organically and efficiently. By pairing plants with complementary needs and preferences, you can help them thrive while minimizing the need for pesticides and other interventions. We hope this guide has helped you learn about some of the best (and worst) companion plants for cabbage. Do you have any tips or tricks that have worked well for you? Let us know in the comments below!