Key Takeaways

  • Building a side storage shed allows you to match the design of your home and free up space in your backyard. Be sure to use durable materials.
  • Create a vertical tool shed to maximize narrow spaces and keep your gardening supplies organized. Consider investing in sturdy materials.
  • Building a greenhouse or green roof shed adds insulation, reduces runoff, and provides more growing space. Plan and gather the necessary materials.
  • See-through storage shelves offer quick and easy access to your gardening tools and add a decorative element to your backyard. Consider open shelving or upcycling a glass-door cabinet.

A backyard garden shed is a great way to add charm to your outdoor space and provide a functional storage area for tools, equipment, and supplies. Building your own shed can be a fun way to express your personal style and upgrade your backyard's aesthetic. In addition, it can be more cost-effective than buying a pre-made one because you can customize it to fit your specific storage needs.

If you only have a small amount of space to work with, you'll be happy to hear there are plenty of DIY methods to help you get creative and build a garden shed. Discover six DIY small backyard garden shed ideas to get inspired!

1 Side Storage Shed

Connected convenience

diy shed backyard next to house

Building a storage shed that connects to the side of your home is a valuable way to make the most of available space while seamlessly blending the design with the exterior of your home. This type of side shed brings a cohesive look to your property by allowing you to build a shed with the same materials your home is made of, like brick or siding panels.

When building the side storage unit, ensure it is well-supported and securely attached to your home's exterior. A side shed requires durable materials suitable for outdoor use, such as weather-resistant wood, concrete, or vinyl. Plan out the dimensions of the storage unit based on the available space and storage needs.



Can be customized to match the style and architecture of your home

Requires the purchase of highly durable materials that can be safely secured to your home

Frees up room in your backyard or garden area

Removing a shed attached to your house has a risk of causing structural damage

Consider incorporating shelves, hooks, or compartments within the shed to optimize organization and maximize the storage capacity.

2 Vertical Tool Shed

No more cluttered floor space

Tools in shed
Image credit: A. Hart via Canva

A vertical tool shed is a rewarding project that offers both practicality and convenience. You can create a compact storage solution for all your garden supplies using vertical and narrow space while maximizing limited square footage. Doing so eliminates the need to rummage through cluttered spaces in your garage or basement!



Helps you make use of vertical and narrow spaces that would otherwise go unused

For longevity's sake, you may need to invest in a higher budget for sturdy, durable weather- and insect-resistant material like vinyl or metal

Allows you to hang tools and equipment on hooks or store them on shelves instead of taking up valuable floor space

Making use of vertical space may not be convenient if you are short or have trouble reaching overhead

3 Greenhouse or Green Roof Shed

Truly sustainable storage

Building your own greenhouse or green roof shed is an exciting way to create a sustainable and functional addition to your backyard. A greenhouse provides the perfect environment for growing a wide variety of plants year-round and offers a multipurpose spot to keep all your gardening tools safe. It's a valuable option if you don't have a lot of garden space!

However, a green roof shed may be a better option if you're looking for a lower-maintenance project! You can create a beautiful, energy-efficient shed by incorporating low-maintenance plants and a waterproof frame.



Improves insulation and reduces rainfall runoff

Greenhouses will require plenty of careful planning and consideration of the plant's needs

Adds aesthetic and practical value by providing you with an option for more growing space

You'll need a large array of building materials, including wood, PVC, or even repurposed windows

4 See-Through Storage

Quick and easy access

Open shed
Image credit: Lisa5201 via Canva

Open storage shelves are a fantastic idea for a backyard shed, offering a practical and accessible storage solution. Instead of hiding your gardening tools and supplies behind closed doors, open shelves allow for easy visibility and quick access. You can attach these shelves directly to your home or deck or put them under a protective frame with a waterproof roof.



Allows you to organize your items based on size and usage, ensuring everything is within reach when needed

There is a high chance your tools will not be as protected from harsh weather elements if left out in the open

Adds a decorative element, allowing you to showcase your gardening tools and display potted plants or decorative accessories

Depending on how you arrange your tools, open shelving can initially appear disorganized

If you don't want completely open shelving, consider upcycling a glass-door cabinet for see-through storage. This way, you'll still have easy visibility of all your tools, but you can take up less space and perhaps even make it small enough to be portable -- a useful option if you ever want to move it to a new location.

5 Multi-Unit Shed

One space for all your gardening projects

A multi-unit shed that can open up is a brilliant idea for a backyard shed! This innovative design consists of multiple compartments within a single structure, which you can open individually to access different storage areas. Each unit is customizable for specific purposes, such as gardening tools, outdoor equipment, or even a workspace.

Whether you need to grab a specific item or create separate zones for various activities, a multi-unit shed is a convenient way to meet your evolving gardening needs and projects!



Maximizes space while providing organized storage options

Depending on how much space you have to work with, you may be limited to how many compartments you can integrate

Provides dedicated space for various gardening projects and activities

May not be a convenient option if you prefer simplicity and ease of access to all your tools at once

6 Micro Shed

Mini but mighty

Toolbox shed

A micro shed, such as an upcycled toolbox, is a unique and space-saving idea for a backyard shed. Despite its small size, a micro shed can hold essential items like gloves, small tools, or seed packets. Utilizing upcycled materials reduces waste and adds character to your garden! This creative and eco-friendly approach ensures that your backyard remains clutter-free while showcasing your creativity and commitment to sustainability.



Takes up minimal space in your garden area

May be too small to fit all the specific garden tools for your unique needs and projects

Utilizes sustainable practices, such as upcycling

Requires some handiwork and repurposed materials

Try taking something as compact as a mailbox and transforming it into a tiny storage unit to add a whimsical touch to your outdoor space!

Designing and building your own backyard shed is a valuable way to create a storage space that suits both your needs and style. Even with a small amount of space in your backyard, plenty of shed options will help organize your tools!

Looking for more DIY outdoor decor projects? Get inspired with these five ways to level up your landscaping this fall!