Companion planting is a gardening technique that involves placing different plants close together to benefit from their natural relationships. Companion planting can help improve yield, deter pests, and provide other benefits like improved soil health.

Zucchini is a versatile summer squash that you can use in many dishes. When companion planting with zucchini, it's important to choose plants that will complement its growth habit and needs. Here are seven of the best companion plants for zucchini:


Many beautiful purple eggplants

Image credits: PhotographyCourse via Unsplash

Zucchini and eggplant are two vegetables that go fantastic together when companion planting. Eggplant is a great source of antioxidants and vitamins, while zucchini is a good source of fiber and minerals. When planted together, these two vegetables can help each other grow better and produce more fruit.

These two vegetables are easy to care for and will provide you with an abundance of fruit throughout the growing season.


A field of corn

Image credits: [aitoff] via [Pixabay]Zucchini and corn are two vegetables that work well together when companion planted. Corn takes up a lot of space and requires full sun, while zucchini is more compact and can tolerate partial shade. Planting these two vegetables together helps make the most of your garden space.

Corn also provides support for climbing zucchini plants. The large leaves of the corn plant help to shade the zucchini from the hot summer sun, and the zucchini helps keep the corn roots cool and moist.


A pile of green beans

Image credits: Young_amyc via Pixabay

Beans and zucchini are two vegetables that go well together. They both have a similar growing season, and they benefit from each other in terms of pollination and pest control.

Beans are a good source of nitrogen for the soil, which zucchini plants need to produce healthy leaves and fruits. Zucchini plants also help to support the beans, making them less likely to fall over when they start to produce pods.

When planting beans and zucchini together, make sure to space them out evenly so that they have room to grow. You can plant them in rows or a more random pattern. Just make sure that each plant has enough space to reach its full potential.


Freshly harvested onions

Image credits: Townsend Walton via Unsplash

Zucchini and onions are two vegetables that seem to go hand-in-hand. They’re both used in a variety of dishes, they have similar growing habits, and they even look alike! But did you know that these two veggies are great companions in the garden, too?

Planting these two vegetables together is that they can help to deter pests. Both onions and zucchini are susceptible to damage from cucumber beetles. These little critters are attracted to the color yellow, so planting a mixture of yellow onions and green zucchini can help to confuse them. They’ll be so busy trying to figure out which plant is which that they won’t have time to do any damage!



Image credits: Louis Hansel via Unsplash

Cucumbers are another wonderful companion plant for zucchini. They have similar growth habits and a comparable need for water and nutrients. Cucumbers will also help to deter pests from attacking the zucchini plants.

When planting cucumbers and zucchini, it is important to keep them well-watered. Both of these vegetables are susceptible to powdery mildew, so avoid wetting the leaves when watering.


steakhouse tomatoes

Image credits: Ivan Radic via Creative Commons

Tomatoes and zucchini are two vegetables that go excellent together. They are both easy to grow, and they complement each other well. Tomatoes provide a rich source of nutrients and zucchini adds bulk and texture to dishes.

When planting tomatoes and zucchini together, it is important to space them out properly. Tomatoes need room to spread their roots, and zucchini need room for the vine. If you plant them too close together, they will compete for resources, and neither one will thrive.

Once they are planted, tomatoes and zucchini need very little care. They both prefer full sun and well-drained soil. Water them frequently and fertilize them every few weeks. If you live in an area with hot summers, you may need to provide some shade for your plants during the hottest hours of the day.



Image credits: Otherness TV via Unsplash

Planting melons and zucchini together has many benefits, including the fact that they complement each other nutritionally. Melons are a great source of vitamins C and A, in addition to potassium, while zucchini is an excellent source of vitamin C, manganese, and dietary fiber.

Furthermore, planting these two vegetables together helps keep pests and diseases at bay. The strong scent of the melon deters many pests, while the zucchini's thick leaves protect the more delicate melon vines from diseases.

Finally, harvesting both crops at the same time means less work in the garden overall. So, if you're looking for an easy and delicious way to get your vegetables, planting melons and zucchini together is the way to go!

In Summary

Companion planting is a great way to improve your garden’s crop, and it can be especially beneficial when paired with zucchini. By choosing plants that complement zucchini’s growth habits and needs, you can help this delicious summer squash thrive. Just plant them together in a sunny spot and enjoy the fruits (and vegetables) of your labor!

Do you have any tips or tricks for companion planting with zucchini? Let us know in the comments below!