Houseplants are a great way to spruce up your living room and incorporate a sense of serenity into your space. Many indoor plants also have the ability to make the air you breathe cleaner by scrubbing pollutants from it. They also lift your mood and generate happiness, which is especially helpful for the winter blues. 

Therefore, the following are some of the best indoor plants that are incredibly resilient, require minimal maintenance, and look striking.

1) Boston Fern (Nephrolepis Exaltata)

Lush green fern leaves growing in forest

Image credits: Enric Cruz López via Pexels

Boston Fern is a bright green plant that can grow up to two to three feet long, though it is a slow grower. It is a classic houseplant since it is relatively easy to take care of and prefers a warm, humid environment.  

The plant thrives in indirect sunlight and normal room temperature. If the living room temperature is above 70 degrees Fahrenheit, provide it with extra humidity by placing it on a pebble tray and misting it routinely.  

This plant prefers well-drained soil or a soilless potting mixture and consistent moisture, especially during summer. Fortunately, the plant is not very finicky, so it won't desert you if you miss a watering session.

2) Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra Elatior)

Aspidistra elatior (the cast-iron or bar-room) plant in pot

Image credits: Vipul1989 via Shutterstock

Cast iron plant is perfect for people who like a pop of color in their living room without spending too much time tending to the plants. The plant is small to medium in size, reaching about two to three feet in height, with lush dark green foliage consisting of broad leaves.  

The exuberant plant requires occasional watering, so wait for the top one inch of the soil to dry before every watering session, but cut back on watering in the winter. It can also survive in most light conditions except direct sunlight.  

The ideal temperature range for this plant is between 45 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, making it perfect for your living room. The best part is that it does not require high humidity like most houseplants.

3) Snake Plant (Dracaena Trifasciata)

Potted Plants Near White Wall

Image credits: Veronica via Pexels

The snake plant is one of the hardy species of houseplants. It features stiff, sword-like green leaves with a yellow border. The plant is an ideal houseplant for you if you love some greenery in your living space but do not have a green thumb. 

This dramatic plant can thrive both in bright light and dark corners, but exposure to direct sunlight for two to six hours every day can boost its growth. It does amazingly well in normal indoor temperatures, though a temperature lower than 50 degrees Fahrenheit is too cold for the tropical plant.

The plant is drought-resistant, and overwatering can cause root rot. Thus, water it only when the soil is dry. 

4) Spider Plant (Chlorophytum Comosum)

Spider plant

Image credits: Lucian Alexe via Unsplash

Spider plant is another toxin-removing plant on the list. It produces a rosette of thin, long foliage that arches away from the center and may produce tiny white flowers.

It is one of the easiest plants to take care of, as it requires moderate water and can survive even in low-light areas of your living room. Ideally, keep it indirect sunlight and away from direct rays that can scorch the leaves.

To see if your plant needs water, stick your finger into the soil by the plant. If it feels dry, then give the plant some water. Give it indirect light if you want your spider plant to flourish.

It's best to keep it in indirect sunlight, or the rays may burn it. Spider plants prefer temperatures no lower than 55 degrees Fahrenheit and no higher than 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

5) Orchids

orchids in an indoor greenhouse

Image credits: Chantal DeGaust via Unsplash

Orchids are elegant flowering plants that deserve a place in your living room. These require a little more maintenance than other plants on the list, yet the results are incredibly satisfying. 

Like most indoor plants, place the orchid in a bright spot away from direct sunlight to avoid burning the leaves. You can use the leaves color to determine the amount of light it needs. A grassy green color with yellowish tones indicates that the orchid receives ample light to produce its flowers

Orchids are more susceptible to overwatering than underwatering. Overwatering can cause root rot, droopy leaves, and eventual death. Therefore, only water the plant once the medium is completely dry. You can simply put your finger in the mix and if it feels wet, hold off from watering.

6) Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

Peace Lily Spathiphyllum Houseplant in White Pot on Plant Stand

Image credit: Max Williams via Unsplash

With its deep dark leaves, the peace lily compliments more home décor. It produces beautiful white flowers in full bloom and can remove many pollutants from the air.

However, the plant produces some pollen, so it might not suit people with pollen allergies. When caring for the plant, you can place your peace lily almost anywhere in your living room that receives some light. However, moving the plant to a brighter spot encourages flowering.

Peace lilies are tropical plants that thrive in warm, humid conditions and dislike cold. Therefore, please keep them in temperatures no less than 60 degrees Fahrenheit and mist the leaves or place the pot on a gravel-filled water tray to provide the plant with humidity. 

You should also keep the soil lightly moist to the touch. It can tolerate underwatering and short dry spells, but continuously saturated soil can cause root rot fungus. 

Perfect Living Room Décor !

Plants infuse liveliness into your living room, making them a must-have feature of your home. Fortunately, almost all the above plants require minimum maintenance for phenomenal results.

Which plants do you have in your living room? Share below!