Companion planting is a reliable way to grow different types of plants together. This mutual arrangement of growing plants is an efficient method for using garden space wisely. If you get the right combination, the plants nourish each other and eliminate infestation. 

Peas are an ideal companion for most plants, and due to their size, you can use them effectively in your garden. 

Pea plant companions are necessary to consider because they don't only help peas grow properly but also add the required nutrients to the soil through nitrogen fixation. Plus, using these companion plants will double your harvest and give you more crisp veggies.

So, here are some reliable companion plants that can grow with peas. 

1. Green Beans

Green Beans

Image credits: Flockine via Pixabay

Green beans and peas need similar conditions to grow efficiently. They also increase the availability of nitrogen in the soil causing vegetable growth to improve if peas and beans are close neighbors.

Green beans also balance the pH level of the soil but require acidic soil with a pH between 6 and 7. Even though they need light maintenance, they are very easy to grow. Just make sure to provide them with direct sunlight for at least six hours.

2. Carrots 


Image credits: congerdesign via Pixabay

Carrots and peas are great companions when planted in late summer to enjoy a fall harvest. Both plants need moist and cool conditions and mature within 70 to 80 days.

Carrots may take time to grow and germinate, but they can grow in rich soil easily. For the best results, prepare the soil and sow the seeds directly into the ground. They do not need a lot of care but make sure the soil is weed free.

3. Corn 


Image credits: Couleur via Pixabay

Peas and corn are great companions. A sufficient amount of nitrogen is essential for corn to thrive, and that's why peas are their excellent neighbor.

You can eliminate the nitrogen deficiency in corn if peas and corn share the same vegetable patch. Corn can also give necessary shelter to peas and beans.

4. Turnips 


Image credits: jacqueline macou via Pixabay

Peas enrich the soil around turnips with nitrogen. Turnips are a natural repellent to harmful aphids that are common insects in most yards or gardens.

There are two major types of turnips, winter and spring. You can harvest winter turnips in the fall and winter months and spring turnips during springtime.

5. Eggplant 


Image credits: Andy M. via Pixabay

Eggplant needs to absorb a good amount of nitrogen, so to let it thrive, consider using fertilizers. However, if you grow peas and beans as companions, the soil will get additional nitrogen. They also need well drained and loam soil, just like peas to thrive.

6. Cucumbers 


Image credits: Artur Pawlak via Pixabay

Cucumbers can be the best companion for peas since they need similar conditions to thrive together. The nutrient requirements are also the same.

Cucumbers are a member of the gourd family, along with melons, pumpkins, squash, and watermelons. What's best, peas can fix their nitrogen deficiency.

7. Spinach


Image credits: Miroslav Sárkozy via Pixabay

Some plants you should always grow together like spinach and peas. The two plants are compatible to plant next to each other as they are cold-season plants. Peas also fix the nitrogen in the soil, which helps spinach to grow faster and healthier with tastier leaves. 

8. Cilantro


Image credits: ReStyled Living via Pixabay

It is favorable to grow cilantro with peas as peas thrive better with aromatic plants. Pests like to destroy peas. However, the strong scent of cilantro is ideal for keeping them away, allowing your peas to grow stronger and healthier. Cilantro grows quickly in cool weather, and you can plant it in spring or fall. Learn more about how to harvest cilantro for the best results. 

9. Radish


Image credits: Mirko Fabian via Pixabay

If you are looking for a rewarding option that will give good company to your peas, plant radish next to it. Radish is a low-maintenance plant that will thrive alongside peas as both the plants are cold weather tolerant. Radishes nourish well in well-drained soil that is moderately acidic.


All plants mentioned above are great companion plants to grow with peas because they support each other growth wonderfully and protect themselves from insects.

However, some plants prevent peas from growing, like onions, scallions, garlic, shallots, leeks, or chives, so avoid planting them in the same yard or garden.

Let us know what you think about companion planting, and as always, please share!