Potatoes aren't just the perfect side dish to a variety of meals; you can also use them as companion plants in your garden! Companion planting is an age-old gardening technique where you plant two or more compatible species together offering many advantages to both crops. When you pair potatoes with certain other plants, not only do you get higher yields, but they also act as natural pest repellents while improving soil health.

Here's a list of seven different vegetables that make excellent companions for potatoes. Start incorporating these tips into your garden today and see the rewards by harvesting bigger and tastier potatoes packed full of nutrients!


Cilantro companion planting

Image credits Eric Brehm via Unsplash

Cilantro is an aromatic herb used in culinary dishes around the world, but it also has some great pest control benefits that can help keep your potato plants healthy and thriving. The smell of cilantro helps repel spider mites, aphids, and potato beetles -- all common pests for potato crops.

In addition to its natural pest-deterring qualities, companion plants like cilantro draw beneficial insects such as ladybugs into your garden. These insects pollinate plants and help maintain a balanced ecosystem in your garden.

To make the most of this natural protection, plant cilantro alongside or near your potato crops to create an effective defense against pests. With the help of cilantro, you can have a delicious crop of potatoes without unwanted visitors!


Leaves of horseradish root for perennial vegetables

Image credits: anncapictures via Pixabay

Not only does horseradish help ward off Colorado potato beetles, but, because of its pungent smell and flavor, you can also add it to many dishes for an extra kick of flavor. Plant horseradish at the corner of your potato patch and you'll have improved protection from these pesky beetles. While the powerful aroma may repel insects, its flowers will also attract beneficial pollinators that can be an advantage to your garden.

Additionally, the deep root system of horseradish will help to loosen the soil around adjacent plants. This allows them more access to nutrients and water. Overall, this hardy and versatile plant will be a great addition to a potato patch.


Types of garlic

Image credits: Nick Fewings via Unsplash

Garlic is an excellent companion for potatoes. The pungent smell of garlic helps to keep pests away and increases the yield of the potato crop.

Plant garlic between rows of potatoes or intersperse individual garlic plants throughout the bed. Garlic emits an odor that repels many common potato pests, such as Japanese Potato Beetles and aphids.


Catmint plant

Image credits: PollyDot via Pixabay

If you're looking for another natural way to repel pesky Colorado potato beetles from your vegetable garden, try planting catmint! Catmint is an herb that has long deterred these bothersome bugs and helps protect potatoes. Plus, it adds a colorful touch to the garden.

But there's a catch -- It can also bring cats into the garden. While that can be beneficial in keeping other critters away, cats may cause damage to other plants.

To maximize its effectiveness, plant catmint in pots around the edge of your potato plot. This will create an attractive border while also giving you an all-natural pest deterrent.


Bean seedlings beginning to emerge from the soil

Image credits: Anna via Pixabay

Growing potatoes with beans as companion plants is a great way to increase your potato harvests. Beans can pull nitrogen from the air into the soil, improving conditions for crops and also helping to increase potato tuber size. Beans of all kinds make fantastic companions for many plants and you can use them in rotation with other crops that benefit from nitrogen-rich soil.


Yellow Tansy Flower Stems

Image credits: Ekaterina Grosheva via Unsplash

When planted at the corner of a potato patch, tansy helps ward off pesky Colorado potato beetles, striped cucumber beetles, Japanese beetles, squash bugs, mice, and ants.

It's important to note that tansy can be invasive, so it's wise to keep a close eye on your plants. Additionally, tansy is toxic to humans and many animals. Take precautions when livestock or pets are nearby.

The best thing about this plant is that it will come back year after year!


Sweet alyssum

Image credits: Annie Gavin via Unsplash

Alyssum makes a great companion plant for potatoes, as they help keep weeds away while keeping the soil moist. Also, alyssum's bright white flowers add a splash of color to your garden bed.

Planting Alyssum near your potato plants will help reduce competition between other plants for resources and give them more room to grow. Additionally, its fragrant aroma can attract beneficial insects, such as bees, that can help protect your crops!

Pro Tip: Use alyssum in combination with garlic when companion planting with potatoes for extra protection.

You Have a Friend in Me!

Potatoes are a great addition to a garden but pairing them with the right companion plants can take your potato patch to the next level. Cilantro, horseradish, garlic, catmint, beans, tansy, and alyssum are all great companions for potatoes. Not only do they help create healthier soil by supplying needed nitrogen and improving drainage, but they also provide pest protection and better yields of tasty tubers. Planting these companion plants in combination with potatoes is sure to give you a bountiful harvest!

So, if you're looking to get the most out of your potato patch this season, look no further than these seven companion plants! With their help, you'll be well on your way to delicious potatoes and beautiful blooms.

Do you have a favorite potato companion plant? Leave a comment below! And share this article with all your gardening friends!