Gardening is a great hobby that can not only be relaxing, but also provide you with fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs. And one of the best ways to make your gardening easier (and more affordable) is to create your own compost bin.

Composting is an excellent way to reduce your household waste, as well as provide nutrient-rich soil for your plants. While there are many commercial compost bins available for purchase, it's actually quite easy (and cheaper) to build your own.

Here are some simple DIY compost bin ideas that you can easily put together yourself.

The 'Tumbler' Compost Bin

This type of compost bin is ideal if you have limited space, as it can be easily rolled around. All you need is a large plastic barrel with a tight-fitting lid, some holes drilled in the bottom for drainage, and a solid base.

To use, simply fill the barrel with your compost material, screw on the lid, and roll it around every few days to aerate the contents.

Here are just a few of the benefits of a DIY tumbler compost bin:

  • It's easy to use – As we mentioned above, simply add your kitchen scraps and give the bin a spin every few days to aerate the compost.
  • It's fast - You can have finished compost in as little as two weeks!
  • It's clean - No more smelly compost bins attracting pests to your home.
  • It's affordable - You can easily make one yourself with just a few inexpensive materials.

The 'Pit' Compost Bin

This is probably the easiest type of compost bin to build, as all you need is a hole in the ground! Simply dig a pit that's about one foot deep and four feet wide, line it with some chicken wire or hardware cloth to keep animals out and fill it with your compost material. Sprinkle it with some water. Aerate the pile every three to four days.

Here are some of the benefits of a DIY pit compost bin:

  • It's good for the environment - When you compost your food waste, you're reducing the amount of methane gas that's released into the atmosphere. Methane is a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change, so by composting you're doing your part to help the planet.
  • It's good for your garden - Compost is rich in nutrients that plants need to grow, so by using it in your garden you'll be giving your plants a boost. It can also help to improve the texture of your soil.
  • It's easy to do - All you need is a hole!
  • It's free (or almost free) - If you need to buy anything, it will probably be a shovel.

The 'Wire' Compost Bin

This is a slightly more complex compost bin to build, but it's still relatively easy. You'll need some hardware cloth, as well as some wooden stakes and zip ties (or wire) to put it all together.

To build, simply create a rectangular frame out of the hardware cloth and secure it with the stakes and zip ties. Then, fill the bin with your compost material and cover it with another layer of hardware cloth.

Here are just a few of the benefits of a DIY wire compost bin:

  • They're inexpensive - All you need is some hardware cloth and a few zip ties, and you're good to go!
  • They're easy to set up - Simply build a frame out of the hardware cloth and secure it with zip ties. Then, just add your kitchen scraps and let nature do its thing!
  • They're perfect for small spaces - Wire bins can be placed on a balcony, so they're great for small apartments or homes with limited yard space.
  • They're easy to maintain - Just add kitchen scraps as you have them and turn the bin every few days to aerate the compost.

The 'Bag' Compost Bin

This is probably the simplest type of compost bin you can make, as all you need is a large garbage bag! Simply fill the bag with your compost material, tie it shut, and poke some holes in the top for ventilation.

To use, simply set the bag in a sunny spot and wait for the composting process to occur. You can then use the finished compost in your garden.

Here the benefits of this easy DIY:

  • It's simple to make - All you need is a plastic bag and some garden soil.
  • You can use it to compost both kitchen and garden waste.
  • It's an environmentally friendly way to dispose of your kitchen and garden waste.
  • It will save you money on your bin collections.
  • It will help to reduce the amount of landfill waste.

The 'Wooden' Compost Bin

This is a more traditional type of compost bin, and it's also another one of the easiest to build. You'll need some untreated lumber (preferably cedar), as well as screws or nails to put it together.

To build, simply cut the lumber into four equal-sized pieces and screw or nail them together to form a rectangular box. Then, fill the box with your compost material and leave it in a sunny spot.

Here are some of the benefits of a DIY Wooden Compost Bin:

  • It's easy to build - You can find plans for wooden compost bins online or in magazines. If you're feeling really ambitious, you can even add a lid to keep animals out.
  • It's affordable - Compared to other types of compost bins, wooden compost bins are very affordable.
  • It's attractive - Wooden compost bins look great in your backyard. They add a touch of class to your composting operation.
  • It's durable - Wooden compost bins are very durable and will last for years.
  • It's easy to use - Simply add your food scraps and yard waste to the bin, and let nature do its thing!

Start Your Compost Today!

So, there you have it – five cheap and easy types of compost bins that you can build yourself. Give one (or all) of them a try and see which works best for you. Do you have any tips or tricks? Let us know in the comments below! And happy composting!