Here’s the thing about fast-growing indoor plants; In their natural environment, they’re labeled “aggressive” or “invasive,” but in the home, they're loved for their speedy contributions to a lush and wild ambiance.

They also tend to be some of the most low maintenance of all houseplants, able to withstand a fair amount of neglect - which makes them ideal starter plants for novice indoor gardeners.

Whether you’re a houseplant neophyte or a more experienced plant parent, here are some of the fastest growing indoor plants to contribute to your jungle at home.

Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)


Image credits: Uzwil Schweiz via Unsplash

An epiphyte vine (non-parasitic plant that grows on other plants) with heart-shaped leaves, pothos is available in more than 17 cultivars. They come in green, variegated with yellow or white leaves with a satiny sheen. Extremely low-maintenance and laid back, the pothos is also one of the fastest growing plants on this list.

In fact, in the wild, pothos can even grow leaves that are several feet wide and can even develop perforations just like the popular monstera plants.

Pro Tip: If your pothos gets too long, this is the perfect plant to propagate!

Asparagus Fern (Asparagus plumosa)

asparagus fern

Image Credits: Ksenia Chernay via Pexels

Also called a lace fern, the asparagus fern is a delicate plant that grows in clumps of feathery and light wiry structures. Despite its frond-like appearance, the asparagus fern is actually not a true fern.

Sometimes the asparagus fern can flower in the summer with white blooms and deep purple berries. In the wild, its creeping, climbing stems can grow up to a whopping 15-20 feet long and is considered in certain countries to be a very invasive weed.

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

spider plant on a table

Image Credits: Lucian Alexe via Unsplash

This beginner-friendly houseplant is extremely low maintenance and thrives in many conditions that wouldn’t be ideal for other plants such as high humidity. In fact, try keep your spider plant in the bathroom and see how it thrives!

Its common name comes from the pups that grow on the end of its trailing stems, resembling spiders, making for easy propagation. Spider plants can grow to be 12-15 inches tall, with their solid green, variegated, or sometimes white-striped leaves growing up to two feet in length.

Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

snake plant

Image Credits: Cara Eads via Unsplash

The snake plant, also called “mother-in-law’s tongue,” is one of the most low-maintenance houseplants of all. It has fleshy, sword-like leaves that grow upwards, and can tolerate low light conditions. The snake plant can thrive without water for long periods of time as it is actually a succulent, storing water in its leaves.

Also praised for its air purifying qualities, the snake plant can grow over four feet tall in its native habitat, making it the perfect combination of beautiful, tough, and fast growing.

Jade Plant (Crassula ovata)

jade plant

Image Credits: Kevin Malik via Pexels

Jade plant’s latin name says it all; Crassula translates to fat or thick, and ovata means egg-shaped - describing the fleshy, round leaves of the plant. This waxy succulent takes very well to pruning, which explains why this fast growing houseplant is often used in the art of bonsai.

The jade plant is great for beginners because it tolerates neglect, its roots are adapted well to containers, and it enjoys the warm and dry climates that are typical to the average home environment. Just make sure not to overwater these beauties - they hate wet feet. 

Heart-shaped Philodendron (Philodendron hederaceum)

heart shaped philodendron

Image Credits: Sasha Kim via Pexels

One of the most popular philodendrons, this vine-like plant with its glossy, heart-shaped leaves is a fast growing houseplant that can mature up to 20 feet tall in its natural habitat. In homes, however, it’ll likely just reach the four feet tall range.

Also called the sweetheart plant, the philodendron is tolerant of low-light conditions, and comes in many different varieties including variegated, dark green, light green, and neon green. If taken care of properly it will grow very fast!

Zebra Plant (Tradescantia zebrina)

Wandering Jew

Image Credits: Christian Petzold via Unsplash

Last but not least on our list of fastest growing indoor plants, the zebra plant belongs to the spiderwort family and can even be grown in just water. This incredibly fast growing houseplant makes for great ground cover in gardens and in the wild, reaching heights of 6-12 inches.

Also prized for its stunning purple-striped leaves, the zebra plants colors are most intense in the bright sun.

Stay In The Fast Lane!

So there we have it, the best seven fastest growing indoor plants. What do they all have in common? They’re beginner-friendly, tough, tolerant of lower light conditions in the home, and happy to be pruned. Not to mention, fast growing houseplants can bring a lot of daily gratification and joy when you tend to them and consistently see new growth.

Their quick contributions to your indoor jungles will have you falling in love with these fast growers. Have any tips or tricks of your own? Leave a note in the comments!