When I think about the winter, I see snow. It’s because, as a kid growing up in Poland, we had tons of fresh snow every year. My friends and I used to spend a lot of time outside having fun with it. We played different games and did various winter activities.

When I got older, my love of playing with snow hasn't changed. When there is snow, I enjoy leaving my house and having fun with it for hours. That’s why today I want to share with you some of my favorite fun things to do in the snow, thanks to which you won’t be bored during the wintertime!

Have a snow fight

Snow Fight In The Sunny Winter Day

Image credits: Gpoint Studio via Canva

Since my friends and I were always very competitive, our favorite game was snow fighting. You can make snowballs and randomly throw them at each other, or you can create some rules to make it more challenging. I recommend drawing a small pitch with a line in the middle. Then divide the players into two groups, and make snowballs in advance. The team whose players have all been hit loses the game.

Build a snowman

Upside down snowman

Image credits: og-vision via Canva

Another classic activity is building a snowman. To make it more fun, you can think outside the box. It means that you can use some creative ornaments and clothes or, for example, build your snowman upside down. It can also be built with more than three snowballs. Basically, the more you use your imagination, the better the design of your snowman will be.

Build a snow sculpture 

snow sculptures

Image credits: libertygal via Canva

To have fun and make your backyard stand out, all you have to do is build some snow sculptures. If you want to get some inspiration, go ahead and check our best 40 snow sculpture ideas. Personally, I love building Christmas sculptures, such as reindeers, Santa Claus, or Christmas trees. You can later put some Christmas lights on to make them catch the eye even more.

Go Sledding


Image credits: DarenMehl from Pixabay via Canva

If you have some hills in your area and want to sweat a little, then sledding is the best option for you. The bigger the hill, the more fun you will have. You can invest in some high-quality sled to get some extra adrenaline. However, if you don’t have a sled and you don’t want to spend money, you can always use a plastic bag to go down the hill.

Organize a Sled Ride by Car

Friends Enjoying Sled Ride

Image credits: CasarsaGuru via Canva

A sleigh ride is always a highlight of my winter. All you need is a car, a couple of sleighs, a hard rope to tie them together, and you are ready to go. If there are children, you shouldn’t drive a car too fast. However, if only adults are taking part, you can drive faster to make the experience more extreme and fun. Remember to hold on tightly so as not to fall out of the sled.

Go On a Sleigh Ride

Multi-ethnic group sleigh riding

Image credits: lisegagne via Canva

As an alternative to a sled ride by car, you can take part in a classic Sleigh Ride. It’s fancier and less extreme. You can take some food and drinks with you and have a little party inside the sleigh with your friends. Just remember to put on some warm clothes because sleigh rides usually take some time, and you don’t want to get cold during the ride.

Build a Snow Fort

Snow fort in mountains ski resort

Image credits: TPopova via Canva

Another great thing you can build is a snow fort. It’s a bit more challenging, but it is worth it to spend some time building it. If you have kids, I can assure you that they will love it and won’t like to leave it. You can also build two snow forts and organize games for your kids and their friends, like defending the flag. To make the process less complicated, remember to use a proper snow fort kit.

Go Skiing or Snowboarding

I am an avid skier, and I can’t imagine winter without skiing. If you have never tried it, it’s about time to change it. If you don’t want to invest money in equipment, you can always rent it. So as not to be discouraged, I recommend you find a trainer. It is more expensive, but you will learn the proper technique. Also, book a ski resort in advance to not overpay.

Eat Snow

Boy eating snow

Image credits: FangXiaNuo via Canva

As silly as it sounds, it is also something you can do with the snow. Since most of us are tempted to do it, it is crucial to know what happens if you eat snow. There are a few important rules you have to follow while doing it to not get sick or poisoned. However, while doing it safely, nothing should ever happen to you.

Shovel The Snow

A boy shoveling the snow

Image Credits: Stacey Kennedy from Pixabay

Although this activity doesn’t seem so fun at the first glimpse, it doesn’t mean it isn’t. Since shoveling the snow is something we all have to do anyway, you can make it as enjoyable as possible. The best idea is to divide the area and create competition from shoveling. The person who first gets rid of the snow is the winner. If you want your children to take part, remember to get the best snow shovel for kids.

Color The Snow

penguins on the colorful snow in Antarctica

Image credits: zhao qin via Canva

If you want to do something really creative with the snow, try to color it. All you need is some spray bottles, water, and food coloring. Mix the food coloring with the water in the spray bottle and start painting. It’s a great activity, especially for young children, since it stimulates their creativity. However, it is also recommended for adults. With this easy activity, you can simply change your backyard into a piece of art.

Make Snow Angels

snow Angel

Image credits: nycshooter via Canva

There is nothing better to celebrate the fresh snow than making snow angels. If somehow you have never heard of it, the idea is very simple. Just lay down on your back and move your hands and legs to the sides. You will end up creating cute snow angels. To make it more fun, do it together with your friends and family.

Organize a Snow Treasure Hunt

Forgotten treasure

Image credits: vesilvio via Canva

That’s a fantastic way to get everyone excited and happy to go and play outside. Hide a treasure somewhere in the snow, and create all of the clues. Not only will children have fun finding a treasure but adults as well. It can be a great game for family gatherings, for example, on Christmas day. You can use some natural hints, using pinecones, acorns, or frozen berries.

Play Tic-Tac-Toe on The Snow

Mitten Tic Tac Toe

Image credits: docksnflipflops via Canva

If you want to compete with others, one of the best games is a Tic-Tac-Toe. However, during the winter you can play it outside in the snow. You can either draw the lines or build them using sticks. You can use your gloves, pinecones, or anywhere else you want to mark your move. It’s a great game, especially if you are bored waiting somewhere outside.

Play Snow Bowling

Snow Bowling

Image credits: thunderkitten via Canva

Another fantastic activity for the whole family is snow bowling. You can build a lane in your driveway and organize a tournament. To make the lane more slippery, put some water on it and let it freeze overnight. If you don’t want to buy the equipment, you can create bowls and the ball yourself by freezing some bottles with water and a balloon filled with water as well.

Spot Animal Tracks

Animal tracks in snow

Image credits: destillat via Canva

If you want to teach your kids about wildlife, you should spot some animal tracks in the snow. It’s a great way to spend time, especially if you live outside the city, preferably close to a forest. Your kids will learn how each animal's tracks look, and you can also add some interesting facts about them. In the end, you can create a quiz to check what they have learned.

Draw Snow Faces

Snow face

Image credits: miskolin via Canva

An extremely fun game that will make everyone laugh is drawing snow faces and guessing whose face it is. You can draw the faces of some of your family members, friends, celebrities, or characters from movies and fairy tales. You can also add some accessories, such as clothes, to make them look more fun and real. You can also give each other some clues to diversify the game.

Create Backyard Winter Olympics

Olympic sign in winter mountain landscape

Image credits: Amanda Barchuk / 500px via Canva

For anyone who enjoys doing sports and competing, this will be a game-changer. You can create various disciplines in your backyard to organize the Winter Olympics. Gather your friends, family members, and neighbors and find out who is the best. Prepare the competitions, build some obstacle courses, explain the rules to everybody and start your Olympics.

Ride A Snowmobile

Man Riding Blue Snow Ski Scooter

Image credits: Sebastian Voortman from Pexels via Canva

If you want to get an adrenaline rush, I am sure that riding a snowmobile will allow you to experience it. You can try to find a place in your area where they rent them, since buying one can be very expensive. Since these vehicles are rather strong, you should ask a professional to show you how to ride them, to avoid any accidents. Have fun and be safe!

Go Snowshoeing

People walking on the snow

Image credits: donwhite84 from Pixabay via Canva

Anybody who enjoys walking and hiking knows how difficult it is when there is plenty of fresh snow outside. However, it won’t be such a big challenge if you use snow boots. They will help you stay on top of the snow surface without getting stuck. Walking on thick layers of snow is also great for practicing your balance. If you want, you can also use poles while walking, especially on frozen lakes.

Have A Campfire


Image credits: gmnicholas via Canva

To warm yourself up and have something tasty, you should create a campfire. You might think that campfires are only great during the summer, but it is completely not true. They are a wonderful way to spend time with your family and friends all year long. Prepare some marshmallows or sausages and enjoy each other near the campfire. You can also warm up some beverages such as hot chocolate, or hot cocoa.

To Wrap Up

Winter can be a fantastic season to have a lot of fun since there are countless activities you can do with the real snow. The 21 ideas we presented are definitely worth trying. You can always modify them to meet your preferences.

With some creativity, you will never perceive winter as a boring time of the year. Don’t be afraid to use snow toys or other accessories to take your snow activities to the next level.

Which fun activity with the snow during winter wonderland do you like the most? Let us know in the comment section below, and as always, please share!