Do you want to start gardening but aren't sure about investing in special equipment or seed-starting resources? Planting a rose garden, for example, doesn't have to require heavy investments. One fun and alternative way to propagate rose cuttings is in a potato! All you need are a few simple materials and some patience.

If you're feeling inspired, bring a little bit of green into your life. Discover how to grow roses in potatoes and help make your gardening dreams come true!

What You'll Need

Garden shears

Image credits: Willfried Wende via Pixabay

To grow rose cuttings in potatoes, you'll need a few supplies.

  • Rose cuttings that are 6 to 8 inches long
  • Jars
  • Labels
  • Clean pruning shears
  • Rooting hormone
  • Red or white potatoes (large enough to support 1/2 inch of a rose stem)
  • Drill or screwdriver
  • Large 5-gallon pot (optional)

Step-By-Step Guide on How to Grow Rose Cuttings in a Potato

Growing rose cuttings from potatoes is an easy and fun way to start your journey. These steps help you create a stunning array of rose bushes in your own backyard!

Step One - Cut the Stems

Rooting of rose cuttings in water

Image credits: Alina Kuptsova via Shutterstock

The first step to growing rose cuttings in a potato is to cut the stems. Select two or three of the longest and healthiest stems from a rose bush. You can buy roses from a florist or ask a neighbor for some cuttings! Cut them so that they are about 6 to 8 inches long and remove any leaves from the bottom half of each stem.

Now, put the stems into a clean jar full of water. This helps keep them hydrated while you work on preparing the potatoes for planting. If you have multiple types of roses, label each jar so you can easily tell them apart. If your stem cutting is ready, it's time to move on to step two.

Step Two – Cutting and Rooting Hormone

Pruning shears

Image credits: Jacqueline Macou via Pixabay

Once you have your roses ready, it's time to get cutting! Take your rose cuttings and trim off around half an inch from the bottom. Then, lightly score the sides of the cane (or rose stem) near the bottom. This helps remove a bit of outer cane, so your rooting hormone takes hold and has a larger surface to cling to. Finally, submerge the end into the rooting hormone compound. The hormone gives your cutting a boost and ensures the plant roots in its new home.

Now that that's done, you're ready to plant them in their spud-y bed.

Step Three - Insert Into Potato

Red potatoes

Image credits: Akiralto via Canva

Now that your rose cutting is all prepped and ready, it's time to insert it into the potato! Take a screwdriver (or a drill bit) just slightly smaller than the diameter of the rose cutting and pierce it into the center of the potato. Carefully place your prepared rose cutting into this hole, but don't force it all the way through the potato.

Step Four -Planting and Care Tips

cutting green cuttings of roses for planting

Image credits: Evtushkova Olga via Shutterstock

Once you have prepared the cutting in the potato, it's time to get planting. Plant the potato in the soil, at least 3 inches down. Tamp lightly around the potato to guarantee it is secure and in place. Then, place a jar over the planted cutting to protect it from extreme temperatures and to provide it the humidity it needs. Keep the cover over your plants until they take root.

Monitor the soil moisture and take care that the soil does not dry out too quickly. If you don't have much garden space, plant your cuttings in a 5-gallon pot and cover it with a plastic bag.

Water your rose cutting regularly and watch for any signs of growth. Your rose will establish roots in about a month.

Pros and Cons of the Potato Method

New Dawn roses

Image credits: EQRoy via Shutterstock

Growing rose cuttings in a potato is an exciting and unusual method with pros and cons.


On the plus side, it provides moisture for the rose cutting to help it root. This is especially helpful during dry times or in arid climates. Additionally, potatoes are cheap and easy to come by. This is a great way to save on your gardening costs.

Another pro to using potatoes is that it helps provide nutrition to rose cuttings as they take root. If the soil around the potato is nutrient-rich, the nutrients are taken up by the potato and, subsequently, the cutting's roots as they develop.


However, there are some potential downsides to consider as well. Potatoes may sprout or rot if planted, so this method isn't always reliable.

Lastly, there is also a risk of rotting if too much moisture builds up in and around the potato while it's submerged in the ground. Animals may smell the rotting potato and dig them up, undoing all your hard work.

Further, if you keep your soil hydrated when planting a rose cutting and don't live in a very hot climate, this potato trick is unnecessary. You can use a more traditional method of growing roses from cuttings.

Potatoes Can Be Super Bloomin'

So, there you have it, a straightforward way to grow roses from cuttings in potatoes. As long as you pay attention to the details and keep a close eye on the progress of your plants, you'll be sure to have healthy, beautiful roses blooming in no time.

Now that you've learned this skill go forth and show it off! Share this valuable information with your family and friends. Do you have any questions? Please leave them in the comments below! Thanks for reading, and happy gardening!