Houseplants are great additions to your home and even better if you don't have to worry about watering them frequently. Learn more about great houseplants that are low maintenance and don't need much water to thrive.

Burro's Tail

Burro's tail

Image credits: Bozhena Melnyk via Shutterstock

Native to Mexico, the burro's tail is a succulent that has long cascading stems attached to fleshy green leaves that look like a donkey's tail.

You'll want to add this plant to your collection because it is very drought-tolerant. As the leaves store water, you only need to water them once a month. Allow the topsoil to completely dry out before giving it a thorough watering.

It does well in bright, but not direct sunlight in a well-drained container as it can suffer from root rot. Place your succulent on a high shelf or basket near a sunny window so that the long stems have adequate space to trail over the edge of your pot.

ZZ Plant

Zamioculcas zamiifolia or Zanzibar gem, ZZ plant, Zuzu plant in white container

Image credits: suvian via Shutterstock

The ZZ plant is a low-light plant with long stalks of beautiful green foliage. It requires little water and prefers to be dry. Water sparingly every few weeks and make sure you have a consistent average humidity in your home as the plant does not tolerate cold drafts or extreme heat. If your place is too dry or cold in the winter, mist your leaves to keep them moist.

If you're unsure when to water your plant, err on the side of caution and wait until the top inch of soil is completely dry. Your plant leaves will begin to turn yellow and fall off as a sign of over or underwatering. An interesting note about this plant is that the stems contain rhizomes that store water and are released when needed.

Note: Overwatering your ZZ plant will result in bugs or fungal diseases that put your plant at risk.


Aglaonema (Chinese Evergreen) House Plant in Bangkok, Thailand, Asia

Image credits: Kollawat Somsri via Shutterstock

'Aglaonema' is the botanical name for this Chinese evergreen, and it's easy to grow because it doesn't need much water or light. The plant has shiny reddish-green leaves that are waxy to the touch.  This plant likes warm temperatures with a good amount of humidity. Place the plant with the container over a pebble tray with the water level reaching halfway up the pebbles and only water your plant when the top inch of potting soil is dry.

Place your plant near a north or east-facing window where there is no draft and somewhat shady conditions. Careful of giving this colorful plant too much light or the foliage may scorch.

Zebra Haworthia

Haworthia Zebra Succulent Plant in White Pot

Image credits: Daydreamr Digital Studio via Shutterstock

Zebra haworthia belongs to the succulent family and this plant has tapered leaves with bands of white tubercles. They are hardy plants that don't require much water.  In winter, you can water your plant once every two weeks, and in summer, evenly water only when the soil is completely dry, but never let the plant sit in still water, or root rot may happen.

This succulent likes brightness, but not direct sunlight, or the leaves will turn white or yellow. They also survive in partial or dappled shade, so they make excellent houseplants due to their tolerance to various sun requirements.


Female hands holding golden pothos plant

Image credits: Impression Photography via Shutterstock

Pothos is a beautiful green plant that is easy to care for and very resilient against neglect. This plant likes to be completely dry from top to bottom before you water it. A tell-tale sign that your pothos needs a drink is when the leaves droop, become softer, less full, and start shedding excess water from their leaves. It's important not to overwater this hardy plant for another reason -- the leaves will turn yellow, and the stems may rot, thus attracting fungus gnats you don't want.

Spider Plant

Variegated Spider Plant

Image credits: chefmoonu via Pixabay

Spider plants bring clean air to your home by getting rid of pollutants, and they don't need much upkeep. It is another drought-tolerant plant due to its thick rhizomes. Water approximately once a week during the growing season, but these plants don't do well with overwatering so it's best to check that the soil is dry before watering again.

These plants thrive in indirect sunlight in humid conditions containing moisture. With rich draining soil, your spider plant will reward you with offshoots that you can easily propagate.

Snake Plant

3 dracaenas fragans

Image credits: Feey via Unsplash

The snake plant has thick variegated leaves and doesn't like to be watered much. It's an ideal low-maintenance plant that will purify your home. This tropical plant retains water in its leaves and doesn't appreciate wet feet. The soil should be completely dry between watering. Snake plants have shallow roots that will rot if overwatered. From October to February, water every two weeks, and more moderate watering during the rest of the year.

This plant prefers sunlight but will grow in light shade. Keep your plant away from the hot southern sun during summers, and also chilly drafts that may cause root rot and death.

No More Wet Feet

These low-maintenance houseplants add design and green space to your home, and some even get rid of irritant pollutants. The best part is -- they can handle some neglect. Don't worry about forgetting to water these plants because they don't require much water to thrive. Will you try any of these plants that don't need much water to live happily ever after?

If you have any tips or tricks, please leave them in the comment field.