Your lawn is an important part of your home’s curb appeal and as such, lawn mowing is one of those summer rites of passage that everyone has to do at some point.

A well-manicured lawn can make your home look more inviting and add to its value. But a lawn that is overgrown or has patchy, yellow grass is an eyesore. If you want to have a beautiful lawn, you need to know the basics of lawn mowing.

So, whether you're a seasoned pro or a first-timer, here are some key pointers to keep in mind to make sure the job gets done right. Read on for our tips on how to mow a lawn like a champ!

What You’ll Need

  • Lawn Mower
  • Gloves
  • Garbage Bags

Step-By-Step Guide on How to Mow Your Lawn

Mowing The Lawn

Image credits: Kativ via Canva

Mowing the lawn may seem like a simple task, but there is a right and wrong way to do it. If you mow your lawn incorrectly, you could damage the grass and make it more susceptible to weeds and disease. In this guide, we will teach you how to mow a lawn correctly so that you can have a healthy and beautiful lawn.

Choosing The Right Equipment

Mowing Lawn With Ride On Mower

Image credits: cjp via Canva

The first step to correctly mowing your lawn is to choose the right lawnmower. There are many different types of lawnmowers on the market, and not all of them are suitable for every lawn.

You need to consider the size of your lawn, the type of grass, and your budget when choosing a lawnmower. If you have a small lawn, you can get away with using a manual push mower. But if you have a large lawn, you will need a self-propelled or riding lawnmower.

Setting Your Height


Image credits:

Magda Ehlers via Pexels

Once you have chosen the right lawnmower, you need to make sure that it is set at the correct height. The general rule of thumb is to set your lawnmower blades at 2.5 inches.

However, you may need to adjust the height depending on the type of grass you have. If you have Bermuda grass or St. Augustine grass, you should set your lawnmower blades at 2 inches. If you have tall fescue grass, you should set your lawnmower blades at 3.5 inches.

Scheduling Your Lawn Mowing

A well maintained lawn

Petar Tonchev via Unsplash

You also need to be careful about how often you mow your lawn. Mowing too often will damage the grass but mowing too infrequently will allow the grass to grow too long and become tangled.

The general rule of thumb is to mow your lawn once a week during the growing season. However, you may need to mow more or less often depending on the weather and the type of grass you have.

Straight Or Zigzag?

trim grass

Image credits: Joe Bielawa Creative Commons

Additionally, you need to make sure that you are mowing in a straight line. This may seem like an obvious tip, but it is important to follow, nonetheless. Mowing in a zigzag pattern will damage the grass and make your lawn look messy.

Sharpening Your Blades

Lawnmower on green grass

Image credit:Daniel Watson via Unsplash

Lawn mowing is one of the most important lawn care chores. It's also one of the most potentially exhausting. That's why it's critical to have sharp blades on your lawnmower.

Lawn mowing can be very tough on blades. They hit rocks, dirt, and debris which can quickly dull them. When blades are dull, they tear at the grass rather than slicing through it cleanly. This results in ragged, uneven cuts that are more susceptible to disease and pests. Additionally, lawnmowers with dull blades require more effort to push, which can lead to user fatigue.

On the other hand, lawnmowers with sharpened blades make cleaner, healthier cuts. This helps your lawn look its best and discourages lawn diseases. Sharp blades also make lawn mowing easier, so you can avoid user fatigue.

To keep your lawnmower's blades in tip-top shape, it's important to sharpen them regularly. You can sharpen lawnmower blades yourself with a file or grinder, or you can take them to a professional for sharpening. Either way, taking care of your lawnmower's blades will result in a healthier lawn and a happier mowing experience.

By following these tips, you can be sure that you are correctly mowing your lawn and keeping your grass healthy and beautiful. lawn mowing is not as simple as it seems, but if you take the time to do it correctly, you will be rewarded with a lush and green lawn.

In Summary

Now that you know the basics, it’s time to get out there and mow some lawns! But before you do, be sure to share your tips and tricks in the comments below. We would love to hear from you. And who knows, maybe we can all learn a thing or two from each other about how to make this summer rite of passage a little less challenging (and sweaty). Happy mowing, everyone!