Not properly watering or forgetting to water your plants is the most common problem many gardeners face. Indoors and out! If this sounds like you, it's time to switch up your strategy.

A lot of plants, like many cacti and succulent varieties, are low-maintenance and can thrive in dry conditions. Discover these amazing indoor plants that barely need water. You won't believe how easy it is to care for them!

Snake Plants

Image credits: Shadow Inspiration via Shutterstock

Unlike high-maintenance plants, snake plants, dracaena trifasciata, are very easy to care for. There are more than 70 different species of snake plants worldwide. With so many species, there are countless looks you can add to your home. For instance, varieties like dracaena trifasciata laurentii have leaves with yellow borders. Then others, like dracaena triasciata 'Bantel's Sensation', have white vertical striping.

Snake plants barely need any water at all. Overwatering is actually one of the main reasons these plants die. For best results water the plant thoroughly so that it drains out into the bottom tray. Only water when the soil is completely dry. This is usually about once a month.

Note: Snake plants are also known as mother-in-law's tongue! Both are common names for dracaena trifasciata.

Bunny Ears Cactus

A bunny ears cactus in a pot

Image credits: Benjamin Lizardo via Unsplash

Bunny ears cactus, opuntia microdasys, has a few common names. Look for angel's-wings and polka dot cactus too! In the wild, bunny ears cactus thrives in desert areas like Arizona and northern Mexico. When caring for bunny ears cactus, always wear gloves! Like other varieties of cacti, this plant looks like it has fluffy dots. However, these contain sharp spines that can prick your fingers.

Bunny ears cacti do not like a lot of water. Plant it in cactus soil that drains well. Then, water weekly between March and October, only if the soil is completely dry. Beginning in September water sparingly until March. This will emulate the natural growing seasons and give your cactus a chance to rest.


a bright green pothos plant

Image credits: Taylor Heery via Unsplash

Pothos plants, epipremumm aureum, are widely popular in indoor gardens because they are so easy to maintain! When you plant pothos inside, choose a hanging basket. Pothos' leaves will cascade over the edges creating a stunning addition to any indoor garden.

These plants need a bit of water, but not much. How often you need to water them depends on how dry your home is. Feel the top few inches of the soil. If the top of the soil is dry then it's time to water it. In most cases, water your plant every few weeks. If you forget to water it, don't worry! Pothos plants do better when they dry out slightly once in a while.

Cast Iron Plant

Aspidistra elatior or cast-iron-plant or bar room plant with spotted leaves in pot
Image credits: mizy via Shutterstock

Image credits: mizy via Shutterstock

Similar to pothos plants, cast iron plants prefer to be dry. One of the alternate names for cast iron plant, aspidistra elatoir, is barroom plant. Both its popular names hint at how hardy this plant is. Like cast iron, it lasts a long time. As a barroom plant, it is fine with low lighting and dry soil. A bit of neglect actually helps this plant grow!

How often should you water cast iron plants? Only water these plants when the top of the soil is dry. Like pothos plants, if the top two inches or so are dry, you can water it. Usually, this means every few weeks.

Jade Plants

Female hand Spraying Water Green Leaves of Succulent Jade Plant. Indoor potted fresh plants on the windowsill in the sunlight.

Image credits: TSViPhoto via Shutterstock

Jade plant, crassula ovata, has a lot of names! You can find jade plants by the name of money, silver dollar, and friendship plant. When jade plants grow they resemble small trees. However, they are actually succulents. Like a typical succulent, they don't need a lot of water! This makes them a great, easy-to-care-for option for your indoor garden.

Jade plants grow best when their soil dries out fully because they are drought-tolerant. When winter arrives, water them less often than in summer. Let the soil completely dry before watering again. Then during the summer, water more frequently or every week or two. During both seasons, adjust the schedule depending on how quickly the first few inches of soil dry out. This is a very hardy plant so if you forget to water it once in a while, that's not a bad thing!

Dragon Tree

Dragon tree in a smiling pot on a table

Image credits: Pew Nguyen via Pexels

Like a dragon, dragon trees, dracaena marginata, are tough! These indoor plants are drought-tolerant, so they need very little water to thrive. They have bright green and red or pink-tipped leaves. This can create a beautiful contrast to the greenery you're growing in your home.

It's easy to keep dragon trees happy. Like many other drought-tolerant plants, you only need to water every week or two, or when the top few inches of soil are dry. Then, wait until their soil is completely dry to water them again. To prevent this plant from becoming too soggy, plant it in well-draining soil like cactus soil.

String of Pearls

Image credits: DimaBerlin via Shutterstock

String of pearls, curio rowleyanus, is a great indoor plant that needs barely any water! String of pearls looks unique. Their spherical leaves look like small globes. They are a great choice for an indoor garden with shelves. Place them in a pot on the top shelf and let their leaves cascade down for the best look!

If you are growing a cutting of a string of pearls plant, don't overwater it. Keep the soil moist by using a spray bottle instead of a watering can to mist it. When mature, only water when the soil is entirely dry. This could be as little as once a month. Keep an eye on the soil for the first month and during seasonal changes to find out how quickly it dries out in your home.

The Best Indoor Plants That Barely Need Water

Indoor plants are a beautiful way to brighten up your home. However, if you're busy it's hard to look after complex care requirements. For a vibrant indoor garden that's easy to grow, choose drought-tolerant plants, succulents, and cacti. These types of plants thrive and even grow better when you forget to water them!

On your next trip to the garden center, look for snake plants, bunny ears cacti, pothos, cast iron plants, jade plants, dragon trees, or string of pearls plants! These plants do best when their soil is dry. Plus, you'll only need to water them every few weeks. Simple! Then, once you choose your indoor plants, bookmark this guide or share it on socials to keep track of their water requirements.

What are your favorite indoor plants that barely need water? Share your growing tips in the comments below!