Warm drinks, cozy fires, and falling leaves - autumn is easily one of the best times of the year. But while you’re busy enjoying the season's pleasures, it's easy to forget about some of the chores that need to be done.

One such task is cutting back your plants! Not sure which ones you should trim? Keep reading for a list of five plants you should cut back in the fall.

Why Is Pruning Important in the Fall

Close view of a gardener’s hand pruning branches of a butterfly bush with pruning shears in spring.

Image credits: Tales by Pictures via Shutterstock

First, you need to know why it's important to cut back your plants in the fall. As the weather gets colder and days become shorter, your plants slow down their growth, heading into dormancy for the winter.

To prepare for this period of hibernation, you need to prune or remove any dead or dying branches from your trees and shrubs. This exposes new growth from the plant's buds, which will help it thrive once spring arrives. With that in mind, here are five fan favorites to cut back in the fall.

Some Roses

Pruning hybrid tea roses

Image credits: New Africa via Shutterstock

Roses are one of the most popular flowering plants in many gardens across the world, prized for their beautiful blooms and lovely scent. But unfortunately, sometimes diseases can strike even these hardy flowers, causing them to wilt and die prematurely. You may have heard people say not to prune your roses in the fall but there are situations that permit it.

If you have roses that are showing signs of disease or damage, cutting them back can help revive them and keep them healthy for years to come.

Some of the most common diseases that affect roses include black spot, powdery mildew, and rust. These conditions can be identified by dark spots, fuzzy growths, or dead leaves on the plant. To treat these diseases, you should first prune out any diseased branches or flowers to prevent them from spreading to other parts of the plant.

Additionally, hybrid tea, Grandiflora, and floribunda roses all require special attention at this time of year, as they are especially vulnerable to cold temperatures.

If your roses are in containers, you need to wrap them to protect them from the harshness of winter. Give them a good trim to eliminate the risk of any accidental breakage.

With regular pruning and care throughout the fall season, your roses will look healthy and beautiful for years to come. Give your plants some TLC and don't hesitate to cut them back - give them the attention they deserve!

Some Hydrangeas

Bush (hydrangea) cutting or trimming with secateur in the garden

Image credits: S.O.E via Shutterstock

Hydrangeas are beautiful flowers that can add a touch of color and elegance to any garden. But first, you need to learn the difference between the two main types – old wood blooming and new wood blooming.

To start, identify which type of hydrangea you have in your garden; The time to prune each is different. Old wood hydrangeas benefit from pruning after blooming, whereas new wood blooming hydrangeas benefit from late winter, spring, or fall pruning.

Varieties you can prune in the fall include smooth and panicle (Hydrangea paniculate) hydrangeas.


green hosta leaves

Image credits: Katie McMurray via Pixabay

There are many good reasons why you should cut back your hostas in the fall. It cleans up your yard and leaves a nice tidy landscape for the winter. But perhaps one of the most important reasons is that it helps to prevent disease and insect problems.

By cutting back the leaves and stems, you reduce the amount of debris that can harbor harmful pests like slugs, fungal spores, or dustings of powdery mildew.


Pruning Daylilies

Image credits: photowind via Shutterstock

Daylilies are hardy plants, but as the bloom period for daylilies comes to an end, it is important to remove old flower stalks to prevent them from draining vital nutrients and energy from your plants. This will help ensure that your daylilies are able to put their energy toward producing beautiful flowers again next season. So, be sure to cut those old flower stalks away and watch your garden thrive!


Veronica Speedwell plant

Image credits: Maria Evseyeva via Shutterstock

Speedwell is easy to grow and care for, making it a great choice for gardeners of all skill levels. To ensure that your plants thrive throughout the year, be sure to prune them regularly in the fall. You can do this by simply removing any dead or damaged stems using clean gardening shears or pruning tools. The main advantage of cutting back your plant in the fall? It gives your winter landscape a tidy and clean look!

Take Your Pruning Responsibility Seriously!

Fall gardening is a great way to get your garden ready for the colder months, and by following these simple tips, you can! You should always prepare so your plants can be healthy and beautiful all winter long!

Make sure to share this article with your friends and family and leave a comment below letting everyone know how you're preparing your garden for fall. Happy gardening!