Few things can induce instant liveliness in your home, and one of them is the stunning foliage of houseplants. Plants incorporate a stimulating effect into your space, while adding visual interest.

While you can find plant leaves in various colors, these pretty, alluring pink houseplants can highlight any home, bringing a vibrant twist to your décor. 

Discover some of the most beautiful pink houseplants you can own.   

1. Philodendron Pink Princess

Exotic Philodendron flowering plant with green and pink leaves

Image credits: Huy Phan via Pexels

The Philodendron Pink Princess or Philodendron Erubescens has a stunning contrast of pink variegation on large green leaves. 

Place it in a bright spot with indirect light to ensure the plant retains its pink hues. Too much shade can cause it to lose its variegation and uniqueness. The plant prefers loamy, enriched, well-draining soil and temperatures between 60 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Water the plant once the top 2 inches of the soil feels dry to the touch, and continue watering it until the excess runs out of the bottom of the container. The pink princess also appreciates humid surroundings, so mist the leaves a few times a week or set the plant on top of a pebble tray.

2. Calathea Dottie 

 Close-Up Shot of a Plant

Image credits: Nina Pintar via Pexels

Calathea Dottie or Calathea Roseopicta Dottie is a dramatic plant with pink streaks running through its deepest green leaves. The plant requires meticulous care and effort to maintain, yet the sheer allure of its foliage makes all of it worthwhile.

Place your Dottie in a north or east-facing room under filtered light since direct sunlight can burn the leaves and cause the color to fade, leading to substantial damage. Use well-draining soil with added perlite to further aid the drainage

Keep the plant moist and happy with frequent watering. Check the soil for dryness and supply water when the top 2 inches of soil feel dry. It is best to use filtered water, as tap water can be too harsh for this finicky plant. Provide humidity by misting the plant often because dry air can cause irreparable damage to the foliage, causing it to start crisping.   

3. Pink Polka Dot Plant

polka dot plant

Image credits: Sinmigo via Shutterstock

The Polka dot plant or Hypestes Phyllostachya is another eye-catching plant with dark green, small leaves splattered with striking salmon-pink spots. The non-fussy plant is perfect for small spaces, to brighten up a corner of your bathroom, or adorn a tabletop.

It does best in indirect, bright light from a south- or west-facing window as direct sunlight can cause the pretty leaves to curl. The plant thrives in temperatures exceeding 65 degrees Fahrenheit and in well-draining soil with peat moss. Pinch back the growth to encourage a bushier plant.

Water your polka dot plant one to two times a week, or when the top 1/2 inch of soil feels dry to touch, using filtered, distilled, or rainwater. Provide enough hydration to saturate the soil and stop when you notice excess water dripping from the drainage holes. Don’t forget to mist the plant or place a humidifier near it, as it likes humidity. 

4. Tradescantia Nanouk

colorful tradescantia nanouk plants

Image credits: Sonia Bonet via Shutterstock

Tradescantia Nanouk or Tradescantia Albiflora, also known as Fantasy Venice, is a compact plant with phenomenal muted green foliage streaked with a bright pink hue. The variegated leaves have a smooth top and pink, furry underside. These plants look fabulous in hanging baskets as the intriguing leaves cascade down from the pot's side.

This beautiful plant prefers a brightly lit spot with indirect sunlight -- insufficient light can lead to faded foliage. The ideal indoor temperature for the trailing plant is between 55 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

Weekly watering is enough to keep the soil moist and the plant thriving. You can also check the soil for dryness, watering when the top 1/2 inch feels dry.

5. Pink Aglaonema 

Chinese Evergreen

Image credits:Ankit Bhattacharjee via Pexels

One of the numerous varieties of the Chinese Evergreen, Pink Aglaonema or Aglaonema Costatum stands out due to its green, large elliptic leaves mottled with deep pink color. The vivacious plant is resilient and requires general care. 

The variegated variety likes bright light, so choose a spot in your home that is brightly lit and receives indirect, diffused sunlight. The optimum indoor temperature for the plant is between 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and well-draining, slightly acidic soil.  

Chinese evergreen plants thrive with frequent watering but allow the soil to dry between each session. Moreover, mist the plant daily to keep it flourishing and gracing you with its vibrant foliage.

6. Pink Nerve Plant 

Fittonia with bright green leaves and pink or white veins in a white and yellow flower pot. Indoor plants on a windowsill on a spring day.

Image credits: nastya_gennadyevna via Shutterstock

Pink nerve plants or Fittonia Albivenis make gorgeous houseplants with their distinct, dark green leaves crisscrossed with pale pink, delicate veins. The tiny, cute plant grows no more than 5 to 8 inches tall and looks best when compact and bushy with regular pinching of stems. 

The plant can survive in medium to bright light but will shrivel in direct sun. Place it in a north-facing window to expose it to filtered, indirect sunlight. It is partial to cool temperatures around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The ideal medium for the plant is well-drained and moist, with a slightly acidic pH of 6.5.  

Water your nerve plant twice a week or whenever the soil feels dry. The plant flourishes in humidity, so mist your plant often or consider placing a humidifier nearby. They even thrive in steamy bathrooms.

Pretty Pink Plants 

These plant varieties, with their green leaves beautifully offset by streaks, splashes, and spots of pink, are among the most graceful houseplants. They add interest with striking foliage and are often easy to maintain under the right conditions. 

So, what are you waiting for? Get yourself a pretty pink plant and share below any comments or questions about them!