If you want to get the most out of your garlic plants this growing season, soaking is a simple step that can make all the difference. This not-so-secret method involves hydrating your cloves with various disinfectants before planting. Whether you’re an avid home gardener or a beginner just starting their first veggie patch, learning about how to soak and properly use garlic bulbs will help guarantee you get big, healthy yields come harvest time.

Read on to learn why soaking garlic before planting is so important -- it could be one of the best investments of your gardening career.

Soaking Garlic - Why?

Garlic Soaking Prior To Planting

Image credits: VVVproduct via Shutterstock

Planting garlic requires a bit of extra care to ensure a successful harvest. One way to do this is by soaking your cloves in bleach, alcohol, or detergent before planting them. This can help protect against pests like mites and nematodes and fungal diseases such as fusarium.

It’s also a simple and easy step you can take to make sure your garlic is healthy and happy when it goes into the ground. So next time you’re getting ready to plant some garlic, don’t forget to give it a little pre-planting soak for the best results!

How to Soak Garlic Before Planting

Soaking garlic before planting is easy! Doing this before planting your garlic can help reduce soil and pest problems and increase yields. By taking some time to do a little pre-planting prep work, you’ll be well on your way to harvesting delicious garlic bulbs! Read on for the basics of how to soak garlic before planting.

Prevent Fungal Infections

Fungal disease garlic

Image credits: iva via Shutterstock

Soaking garlic before planting is an essential step for preventing fungal infections. It also helps give your crop a better chance of success. Here’s how to do it right!

First, separate the cloves from the bulb and soak them in water for 15 to 30 minutes. This will help loosen any dirt or debris and prepare them for planting.

After that, just prior to planting, drain the cloves and give them a quick dip in rubbing alcohol. This will kill off any surface bacteria lingering on the cloves and reduce the chances of infection occurring down the line. Let them sit for three to five minutes, rinse them with water, and you’re ready to plant!

Fusarium Prevention

Garlic Soaking

Image credits: Asietola via Shutterstock

Soaking garlic before planting is a great way to prevent fungal diseases such as fusarium. With just a few simple steps, you can ensure that your garlic crop will have the best chance of staying healthy and vibrant all season long!

Start by collecting the cloves from your garlic bulb and placing them in a shallow bowl or dish in a mix of 10 percent bleach solution and enough water to cover the cloves. Make sure you don't overdo it on the bleach so err on the side of caution.

From here, remove them and roll them in wood ashes covering the cloves completely. The wood ashes will soak up any remaining dampness from the bleach and provide a source of potassium, which is important for healthy garlic growth! Use moderation when adding wood ashes because too much can make your soil alkaline.

Finally, plant the cloves as you normally would and watch them grow! With this extra step of soaking garlic before planting, you’ll have your best chance of preventing fusarium and ensuring a healthy and successful garlic crop.

Fight Off Nematodes

Boiling Water for weeds

Image credits: Sergio Camalich via Unsplash

Want to keep nematodes away from your garlic crop? Soaking the cloves before planting is an effective and simple way to do so! Taking a few moments to soak the cloves in hot water can help reduce the risk of nematode infestations.

First, fill a bucket with 100-degree Fahrenheit water and add in 0.1 percent detergent. Then, submerge the separated cloves into the solution for 30 minutes. Alternatively, you could soak the cloves for 20 mins in 120-degree Fahrenheit water containing 0.1 percent detergent.

After the soaking period, drain the water and transfer the cloves to a new container filled with cold water for 10 to 20 minutes.

If you want an extra layer of protection, soak the cloves in a 10 percent bleach solution for 10 minutes before rinsing them off with warm water.

Finally, let the soaked cloves dry at 100 degrees Fahrenheit for two hours, or just plant them immediately.

Mite Prevention

Garlic head with pest close-up macro photography. Onion fly larvae in garlic. Garlic bulb damaged by pest

Image credits: Yashkin Ilya via Shutterstock

Are you looking for an effective way to protect your garlic crop from mites before planting? Read on to learn how to soak garlic before planting for complete mite prevention.

Start by separating all the cloves from the bulbs and submerging them in a container of water. Let the cloves soak overnight, up to 16 hours, so that their skin loosens enough to allow the alcohol you’ll use later to penetrate and reach any hidden mites.

Just before planting, drain the cloves and cover them in rubbing alcohol for three to five minutes so that the alcohol penetrates the covers of each clove and kills any mites inside. Plant your garlic immediately after this step to ensure maximum protection against mite infestations.

Go Grab Your Garlic!

If you follow these tips, you’ll be well on your way to a successful garlic harvest. Soaking your cloves in bleach, alcohol, or detergent before planting can help protect against pests and diseases, and it’s easy to do. So, give your garlic a little pre-planting soak for the best results!

Have you planted garlic before? What tips would you add? Leave a comment below and share with your family and friends.