Key Takeaways

  • Container gardening with trees is an increasingly popular option for urban gardeners looking to bring vibrancy and character to their outdoor space.
  • Trees such as dwarf citrus trees, Japanese Maples, olive trees, Pagoda Dogwood, and fig trees are perfect for growing in pots, as long as size considerations and growth potential are taken into account.
  • When caring for trees in containers, it is important to choose the right tree, pick the perfect container with proper drainage, provide the right amount of sunlight, water wisely, use well-draining soil, protect the trees from extreme weather, consider USDA hardiness zones, and enjoy the benefits of container gardening.

If you've ever dreamed of having a beautiful garden, but limited outdoor space is holding you back, worry no more! Container gardening with trees is increasingly popular as urban gardeners turn to pots and planters to bring their outdoor space to life.

Whether you're looking for a beautiful flowering tree that adds long-term structure or a fruit tree for seasonal interest, the best container-grown trees are robust and suitable for various climates.

Explore which trees are perfect for growing in pots with size considerations and growth potential factored in! Here are five of the most stunning potted trees to bring vibrancy and character to your landscape.

Dwarf Citrus Trees

If you've ever fantasized about plucking ripe, juicy fruits straight from your mini orchard, look no further than dwarf citrus trees for your container garden.

When it comes to dwarf citrus trees, some varieties include the Calamondin orange tree, Bearss lime tree, and Improved Meyer lemon tree.

To grow dwarf citrus trees, select an 8-inch container for young saplings. They don't need much space when they're small. In fact, if the container is too large, it may cause root rot because the roots sit in wet soil for a prolonged period. After two or three years, give them a little extra space by transferring them to a 10 or 12-inch pot, allowing their roots to stretch comfortably.

As these citrus darlings grow and mature, they'll need more room to thrive and produce abundant fruits. So, once established, opt for a spacious 16 to 20-gallon container to give them the space they need.

To ensure the success of your citrus tree, remember to place it in an area that basks in plenty of sunlight. These sun-loving trees thrive with at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight each day.

Just as important as sunlight is your watering habits and choice of soil. Opt for well-draining soil with perlite, peat moss, or compost to keep your trees happy and avoid the dreaded waterlogged roots. Water your tree deeply when the soil is dry, 6 inches deep, once or twice a week. However, water them less frequently if it's outside the growing season (summer).

Japanese Maple

Japanese Maple Foliage
Japanese Maple Foliage

If you're on a quest to add some charm to your container garden, the Japanese Maple is your golden ticket. With its captivating foliage ranging from fiery reds to tranquil greens, this tree is an enchanting touch of elegance that elevates the aesthetics of your backyard.

Japanese Maples thrive in dappled shade, making them an excellent choice for areas that don't receive direct sunlight all day.

Additionally, regular watering is the key to keeping this tree happy and healthy. Water your maple twice a week and more frequently in the summer. It's tolerant of many soils, but make sure the soil is well-draining. The Japanese Maple doesn't enjoy soggy conditions.

Plant to repot your Japanese Maple in larger containers every two to three years when the roots are the size of the pot.

Olive Tree

The olive tree is a plant you don't usually see in people's home gardens, but they're taking the spotlight! This evergreen is easy to grow in a container, adding a Mediterranean flair to any indoor space. So why not give them a try?

One of the most alluring aspects of growing olive trees in containers is their ability to produce delightful olives for your culinary endeavors.

For the best results, ensure your olive trees receive full sun throughout the day. These trees crave sunlight to thrive and produce an abundance of olives. Place them in a sunny spot on your balcony or patio, where they soak up the warmth and rays all day long.

As your olive tree grows, it needs more space to spread its roots and flourish. Repot the tree several times into increasingly larger containers, gradually moving up to a spacious 15-gallon pot. Doing so provides ample room for the roots to grow and ensures the tree remains healthy and happy.

Olive trees are drought tolerant, but only once established. While young trees may require more frequent watering when the top 2 to 3 inches of soil is dry, mature olive trees survive on rainwater alone. To ensure optimal growth, use well-draining soil mixtures such as peat mixed with gravel, coconut coir, or sand. These additives make the soil lighter and improve drainage, preventing waterlogged roots and ensuring your olive tree flourishes in its container habitat.

Pagoda Dogwood

Pagoda Dogwood

If you're yearning for a tree that's as enchanting as it is diverse, look no further than the Pagoda Dogwood. From its delicate white or pale-yellow flowers in the spring to its dark blue summer berries, this tree is a true feast for butterflies and birds.

When it comes to choosing the perfect spot for your Pagoda Dogwood, opt for a partially sunny location. This tree thrives in areas with a mix of sunlight and shade, providing the ideal balance for its growth. Place your tree in a 24 by 24 inch pot to ensure it thrives or the biggest pot you can get your hands on!

The Pagoda Dogwood is remarkably adaptable when it comes to soil preferences. While it tolerates a wide range of soils, it prefers well-draining, acidic soil.

The Pagoda Dogwood has a bit of a sensitive side. It's not particularly drought-tolerant, so water once weekly to keep it happy and hydrated.

Fig Tree

Fig tree

Growing fig trees in containers allows you to savor the deliciousness of homegrown figs while creating a serene and captivating atmosphere in your green haven.

When it comes to caring for your container-grown fig tree, location is key. Choose a sunny spot for your tree to bask in the sun all day. Figs are sun lovers, and ample sunlight ensures they produce the most succulent fruits. Additionally, opt for a 10 to 12 inch pot when your fig tree is young. Repot into a larger pot it when the root system gets too big for your container. Eventually, you'll need a 15 to 20 gallon pot for your fig tree.

Fig trees are adaptable to various soil types, making them easy to maintain in containers. However, they prefer well-draining soil to prevent waterlogged roots. A mixture of sandy-clay potting soil does the trick, providing the right balance of moisture and oxygen for your fig tree to thrive.

While fig trees are drought-tolerant once established, they require consistent watering during their growing season to produce plump, juicy fruits. Water them deeply twice per day in the heat of the summer to keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy. Adjust your watering routine based on the weather and the tree's growth stage.

General Care Tips for Growing Trees in Containers

Growing trees in containers brings the beauty of nature right to your doorstep. Containers allow you to enjoy the serenity and charm of trees no matter how small your garden may be.

Choose the Right Tree

Start by selecting the right tree for your container garden. Consider the size of your space, the amount of sunlight it receives, and your local climate. Opt for well-suited trees for containers, such as dwarf citrus varieties or Japanese Maples.

Pick the Perfect Container

Choose a spacious container to accommodate the tree's roots as it grows, and be ready to repot it once the root system is too big. Make sure it has drainage holes to prevent waterlogged soil. Also, consider the material. Lightweight materials like plastic are ideal for easy mobility and cooler temperatures. On the other hand, ceramic may crack from the cold in the winter months but terra-cotta is porous allowing for great drainage.

Sunshine and Shade

Pay attention to your tree's sunlight needs. Most trees prefer full sun (six to eight hours), but some thrive in partial shade. Position your containers accordingly and do your research to give your trees the right amount of sunlight.

Water Wisely

Consistent watering is crucial for container trees since they dry out faster than trees planted in the ground. Check the soil regularly and water according to your tree's needs. You may need to water more frequently to prevent dehydration during hot weather.

Soil and Drainage

Use high-quality, well-draining potting mix for your container trees. Mixing in perlite, sand, or coconut coir improves drainage and aeration.

Protect from Extreme Weather

Move your containers to a sheltered spot to protect your trees during harsh weather, like strong winds or frost.

Winter Care

Some trees may need extra protection during the winter months. Insulate the container with burlap and consider moving the tree to a protected area to shield it from freezing temperatures. Alternatively, you can move your trees indoors.

USDA Hardiness Zones

Knowing your USDA hardiness zone is essential when choosing container trees for your garden. Potted trees are more vulnerable to cold than ones in the ground. When looking for trees to pot, check their hardiness zones and subtract one or two zones. Doing so ensures they are well-suited to your zone and grow well.

Time to Get Tree-Mendous

Container gardening is the perfect lifestyle hobby for anyone who wants to bring a little bit of nature into their home. Whether you're looking for shade, color, or an easy way to spruce up a part of your living space, these five trees give you a great start on your journey.

As you find new ways to embrace this greener lifestyle, don't forget to share the wealth and give everyone around you a chance to enjoy its many benefits. So spread the word about these amazing container trees and help your family and friends step into this beautiful world of green happiness!