It’s that time of year again when new years resolutions come about and everyone is getting ready for the festivities. The new year is almost here and everyone is trying new trends in home décor. One trend that never seems to go out of style is houseplants! Houseplants can bring a bit of greenery into your life and add a touch of nature to any home.

From stylish orchids to otherworldly air plants, there are endless possibilities for houseplant decorations. To help you choose the best plants for your home décor this year, here are the top six trendiest houseplants for 2023.


orchid with mist droplets

Image credits: Didsvia Pexels

Orchids (Orchidaceae) are one of the most popular types of houseplants and for good reason. These beautiful flowering plants come in a variety of colors and sizes, making them perfect for any space. Their long-lasting blooms and simple elegance make them one of the best houseplant investments you can make this 2023.

Caring for an orchid is not as difficult as it seems. With the right amount of light and water, your orchid can thrive and bloom spectacularly. Without sufficient natural sunlight, your plant may not bloom so be sure to provide it with 12 to 14 hours of natural light daily.

The quantity and frequency of water are also key, as too little or too much water can kill your beloved flower.

To determine when your potted orchid needs to be watered, insert  your finger 1 inch into the potting mix. If it’s dry, give it some H2O. Always use room temperature water when watering your orchid, as cold water can shock its delicate roots -- This means, no ice cubes!

Do not overwater your flower either. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before adding more water. Lastly, remove any excess moisture that collects in the saucer.

Bird Of Paradise

Bird of paradise flower

Image credits: Magda Ehlers via Pexels

The Bird of Paradise, also known as Strelitzia, is a showy houseplant that is an iconic symbol of tropical beauty that brings life into any room. It has large, bright orange and blue colored flowers, palm-like leaves, and an overall eye-catching presence that’s sure to turn heads! With proper care, the bird of paradise can thrive indoors as well as outdoors in zones 10 to 12, so don’t let its exotic looks intimidate you.

To keep your plant happy start by picking a well-lit spot with some shade protection during the hottest hours of the day. Water your plant generously and use organic fertilize regularly during the spring and summer months. During cooler winter months, reduce watering and ensure your soil is well-drained.

For optimal growth, Bird of Paradise trees prefers temperatures of 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Lastly, cut off any dead leaves or flowers from your plant to promote growth and keep it kempt.

Chinese Money Plant

Chinese money plant

Image credits: A-photographyy via Shutterstock

The Chinese Money plant (Pilea Peperomioides) has become a hit in recent years because of its fun, round leaves, and ability to grow rapidly with minimal care. Plus, the bright green foliage will look gorgeous on your windowsill or coffee table!

This resilient little plant can withstand moderate watering and prefers bright light, but can also tolerate indirect light. Keep temperatures between 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit and fertilize once a month with a balanced houseplant fertilizer. The soil should be well-draining and rich in organic matter for optimal growth.

Alocasia Black Velvet

Alocasia Black Velvet

Image credits: untungsubagyo via Shutterstock

For those looking for something bolder and more unique, the Alocasia black velvet (Alocasia reginula) is definitely one to consider. It features lush velvety-black leaves that look almost unreal against its white stems. Even better, it’s also remarkably low-maintenance, so you don’t have to worry about its care requirements.

This tropical beauty thrives in partial shade and needs moist but well-drained soil to stay healthy. Use a potting mixture of equal parts composted bark, loam, and sand. Provide humidity (at least 60 percent) by placing the container on a tray of moist gravel or pebbles. You can also opt to invest in a humidifier.

Water generously during the growing season and apply a balanced liquid fertilizer every two to three weeks. In winter, keep the water moderate but don’t let the soil dry out completely. Alocasia black velvet likes temperatures of 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit, so make sure it’s not exposed to cold drafts.

Air Plant

Air plants

Image credits: ignacio25 via Canva

Air plants, aka Tillandsia, is perfect if you want a houseplant that stands out from the rest. These unique plants require no soil at all and instead absorb water through their foliage. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors and can add a unique touch to any interior.

In wintertime, provide bright light, and good air circulation. Water your plants every two to three weeks by submerging them in water for 20 to 30 minutes. During the summer months, give them filtered bright light and water more frequently. Also, fertilize each month with a liquid product at quarter-strength.

These plants are great to decorate with as they attach themselves to wood and limbs of other plants.

ZZ Plant

ZZ plant

Image credits: Elena Shashkina via Shutterstock

The ZZ plant (Zamioculcas Zamiifolia) has become a popular choice for houseplant enthusiasts because of its glossy leaves and tough-as-nails nature. It’s also notoriously low maintenance, which makes it ideal for busy households or those who are new to houseplant care. Plus, the ZZ plant will look great in any room with its sophisticated, green foliage.

When it comes to lighting, give your ZZ Plant bright indirect sunlight, but avoid direct sun exposure as this can burn its leaves. As far as watering goes, ZZ plants are extremely drought-tolerant and can handle infrequent watering.

Water your plant when the soil has dried out completely and don’t worry about underwatering. It’s better to underwater than overwater to prevent root rot.

Ring In The New Year!

With so many trendy houseplant options available in 2023, there’s something out there for everyone! Whether you prefer large-leafed or small-flowered plants, these six trendiest houseplants will bring life into your home and offer endless possibilities for interior design. So, get ready to find the perfect houseplant for your home this year!

Leave a comment below and share with your family and friends which of these plants you’ll be adding to your home décor in 2023!