It's no secret that fiddle leaf figs are one of the trendiest houseplants around right now. They're notorious for being a bit finicky, but with a little bit of care and TLC, your fiddle leaf fig can thrive in your home!

One question that is often asked is how often to water a fiddle leaf fig. Spoiler alert: watering frequency depends on a few different factors, so keep reading to find out exactly how to water your fiddle leaf fig!

Watering Your Fiddle Leaf Fig

Fiddle-Leaf Fig

Image credits: Anan_R via Shutterstock

It's easy to overwater a fiddle leaf fig. In fact, it's one of the most common mistakes people make when caring for this popular houseplant. So, how often should you water a this stunning plant?

The answer may surprise you...

You should only water your fiddle leaf fig when the top two inches or so of soil is dry.

Overwatering is the number one cause of death for fiddle leaf figs. When the roots are constantly wet, they start to decay. This can cause the roots to rot, which is lethal for the plant.

Humidity also plays a role in how often you should be watering your plant. If the air around your plant is dry (say, in your home during the winter when the furnace is running), you’ll need to water more often. On the other hand, if the air is very humid (like in a bathroom), you can water a bit less.

Low winter lighting also has a hand in how much you should be watering your plant. If you notice that your plant is taking up water more slowly during the winter months, don't worry! This is perfectly normal. Just adjust your watering routine to suit the conditions. Your plant will thank you for it!

To water, simply give the plant a good soak, until water runs out of the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot. Then, allow the soil to dry up entirely prior to watering again.

By following these simple tips, you’ll be sure to keep your fiddle leaf fig happy and healthy for many years to come!

Care Guide For Your Fiddle Leaf Fig

Indoor Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree in Woven Pot

Image credit Image Credits: Lachlan Ross via Pexels

Your fiddle leaf fig is a beautiful and unique plant that deserves proper care in order to stay healthy and thrive. Here are a few pointers on how to care for your fiddle leaf fig:


Lighting For Your Fiddle Leaf Fig

Image credits:

Kelly Sikkema via Unsplash

Your fiddle leaf fig loves bright, indirect sunlight. If you can place your plant near a south- or west-facing window, that would be best. Try and avoid direct sunlight, which may burn the leaves.


Wet Leaf On A Fiddle Leaf Fig

Image credits: dopaminefilm via Shutterstock

As mentioned above allow the top couple of inches of soil to dry out before watering again. Water thoroughly, until water runs out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot. Then drain any water that has accumulated in the saucer below the pot. Fiddle leaf figs are susceptible to root rot, so it’s important not to overwater.


Misting A Fiddle Leaf Fig

Image credits: AngieYeoh via Shutterstock

These plants prefer humid conditions, so consider placing your fiddle leaf fig near a humidifier or grouping it with other plants that release moisture into the air. You can also occasionally spray the leaves with water. Try and keep the humidity level in your home above 40 percent -- This will help avert brown leaf tips.


Fiddle Leaf Fig in greenhouse

Image credits: Futureman1 via creativecommons

Fiddle leaf figs like it on the warm side, around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. This plant doesn’t like temperature changes and responds by dropping its leaves.

Avoid drafts from windows or doors, and don’t place your plant too close to an air conditioner or heater. In the winter, your home temperature can drop slightly, to around 65 degrees Fahrenheit, but it’s important to make the shift slowly.


Person Taking Care Of A Fiddle Leaf Fig

Image credits: via Shutterstock

Feed your fiddle leaf fig every two weeks during the growing season (spring and summer) with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half-strength. Skip fertilizing altogether in the fall and winter.


blue gardening shears laying amongst flower petals

Image credits: Willfried Wende via Pixabay

In order to keep your plant healthy and looking its best, you need to prune it on a regular basis.

First, start by disinfecting your tools. This is important because you don't want to transfer any diseases or pests from one plant to another. To disinfect your tools, simply dip them in rubbing alcohol or another suitable disinfectant.

Next, take a look at your plant and identify any leggy branches or leaves that need to be removed. These could be dead leaves, damaged leaves, or leaves that are growing in the wrong direction.

Once you've identified what needs to be removed, use your pruning shears to cut them off at the base. Make sure to make a clean, sharp cut so that the plant can heal quickly. If you see any stems that need to be trimmed, go ahead, and do that as well. Again, make sure to make clean, sharp cuts.

Fiddle Me This?

So, how often should you water your fiddle leaf fig? As seen above, it really depends on a few different factors such as the temperature and humidity of your home, and how much light your plant is getting. Be sure to check the soil moisture regularly and adjust watering accordingly. And don't forget—a little bit of neglect won't kill your fiddle leaf fig (unlike some other houseplants), but over-watering will!

Do you have any tips or tricks for keeping your fiddle leaf fig happy and healthy? Leave them in the comments below!