If you look through the variety of delicate flowers in every color of the rainbow, there are a myriad of orchids that will brighten your home and enhance the aesthetics of your space. But, are you caring for your orchid properly?

When it comes to watering your orchid, there are mistakes that even the most avid plant parents make. Luckily, there are how-to guides like this one to give step-by-step instructions to care for your orchid!

If you are looking to bathe your tropical plant in a healthy dose of water, there's a sure fire method that boosts those blooms and promotes your orchid’s health. Forget the guesswork and water your orchids with the correct amount, temperature, and timing to keep them around for longer.

Here is the correct way to water orchids for healthy blooms!

Materials Required:

white and yellow orchid with water droplets on the petals

Image credits: Myriams-Fotos via Pixabay

When it comes to watering your orchid the correct way, prepare ahead by having these items at the ready!

  • Kitchen sink
  • Mulch (if not already in your pot)
  • Well-draining pot (if your orchid is not already in one)
  • Pebble tray (optional)

Step One – Determine Whether Your Orchid Needs Watering

Bright pink orchid in a pot sitting near a window

Image credits: Karolina Grabowska via Pixabay

Orchids often come in pots with a bark or peat moss, which help retain moisture for your plant. Depending on which mulch your orchid has, this determines whether you need to water more often or not.

For orchids with bark or wood chips, these dry out much quicker than moss. Therefore, orchids with wood mulch requires more frequent watering to ensure your plant is receiving enough moisture. If your orchid is in peat moss, reduce watering to every two or three weeks.

To tell if your plant needs a good watering is by the weight of your orchid’s pot. Lift it up and see if it is light or heavy. If it is heavy, that means the mulch and your plant are still full with good water. Is it easy to lift and light as a feather? Time to water!

Another way to tell if your orchid needs watering is by pushing your finger into the dirt. Do this to see how moist the soil is. Still damp? Let your orchid continue to do its thing. Dry? Time to water!

Pro Tip: If in doubt of whether your plant needs watering, leave it for another day or so as it's best to err on the side of caution when dealing with orchids. After waiting, test the moisture of the soil and the weight of the pot again. One of the most common mistakes when caring for an orchid is overwatering.

Step Two – Use the Right Water Temperature

Four potted orchids of various colors sitting on a table with a green background

Image credits: RainerBerns via Pixabay

Unlike many houseplants which are tolerant to most water temperatures, orchids actually do better with warmer water. Orchids are tropical plants so using warmer water mimics the environment of where they grow best.

When watering your orchids, try to set your tap to a warmer temperature before watering. Lukewarm water is ideal, which is between roughly 98 and 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid using cold water so you don't shock your plants. Stunned orchids have a higher chance of root damage, poor growth, wilting, or dropping leaves.

Step Three - Water Your Orchids

sink faucet running water with plant in background

Image credits: Bob van Aubel via Unsplash

When it comes to watering your orchids, most avid orchid gardeners swear by the soaking method. This method saturates both the mulch and your plant’s soil completely, keeping your orchid happy for longer.

When watering your orchid, first let your kitchen tap run for a while until you achieve the right temperature. Not too hot or cold, but lukewarm. Once it is at the right temperature, put your orchid in the sink for a good soaking.

Let the water pour over your orchid’s base for couple of minutes, or until the mulch is fully saturated. Remember, the water should always drain out of the bottom of your pot to prevent overwatering and root rot. For extra protection you can place your orchid on a pebble tray to ensure to roots don't sit in water.

Pro Tip: If your pot does not allow draining, repot it right away! Not sure how to repot your orchid? Find out all you need to know about repotting here!

Step Four – Create a Watering Schedule for Your Orchid

Stunning orchid near window with brilliant white blooms

Image credits: Mike Darger via Pixabay

Orchids require watering about once or twice every week during the growing seasons. This varies depending on your climate and the amount of sunlight your house gets each day. The humidity will also affect how often you water your plant.

Become familiar with your orchid’s specific watering schedule by monitoring your orchid closely. For those who like to be organized, jot down notes on when you water to find your plant’s watering trends. Determining a schedule will help you slip into an easy routine of caring for your beautiful plant baby!

Time to Give Your Orchid a Day at the Spa!

Ready to give your orchid a day at the spa? Make sure to water them with the right temperature water and give them a good soaking for the best results.

Remember to always wait a day or two before watering if you are unsure! Then create a watering schedule for your orchid that is personalized for your plant.

Want to know more about how to care for your orchid? Take a look at this article on how to properly prune your orchid for ultimate growth!