Do you know what the best time of day to plant flowers in your garden is? Believe it or not, there is a right and wrong time to do this! If you want to make sure your flowers grow and thrive, keep reading to find out when you should be planting them. Spoiler alert: it's not in the middle of the night!

Morning, Afternoon, Or Night?

Morning sun garden

Image credits: RazvanNistor via Canva

It's always a great time to plant flowers in your garden! But if you're looking for the best time of day to plant, it seems that the general rule of thumb is in the morning or in the evening.

However, there are many different opinions on this matter, which will be explained further down.

Differing Opinions

Planting vegetable garden

Image credits: chaiyon021 via Canva

Different schools of thought abound on what the best time of day is to plant flowers in your garden. Some say that morning is the best time, as the sun is not too hot, and the plants have the entire day to take root. Others contend that evening is best, as the cool temperatures help reduce transplant shock. And still, others believe that anytime is fine, as long as you give the plants plenty of water.

So, which is it? When is the best time of day to plant flowers in your garden?

Let’s take a closer look at each option to see if we can find a definitive answer.

MORNING: The Case For Early Risers

hand planting seedlings

Image credits: Greta Hoffman via Pexels

Those who advocate for planting flowers in the morning make a compelling case. For one, the sun is not as intense in the early hours of the day, so there’s less risk of transplant shock. Additionally, morning plantings have the whole day to take root before nightfall.

The flowers should be provided with some time to acclimate to their new home, and they shouldn't be overwhelmed by direct sunlight too soon after planting. Letting them adjust to the harsh summer sun can make all the difference in ensuring safe growth rates for your delicate plants!

EVENING: The Case For Evening Planting

Planting Mother and Son under the sun

Image credits: Alohaflaminggo via Shutterstock

As with morning planting, those who advocate for evening plantings make some valid points. For one, the cooler temperatures can help reduce transplant shock. Second, evening plantings have the benefit of nighttime irrigation, which can be helpful in hot, dry climates.

However, there are a few potential drawbacks to consider. First, if you live in an area with high humidity, evening plantings may be more susceptible to fungal diseases. When the environment is too humid, it can promote fungal bacteria that may cause plants to die, as well as conditions like root or crown rot. Humidity also invites pests such as fungal gnats whose larvae feed on roots of living organisms in moist soil causing damage to your plants.

Second, night-time temperatures can sometimes dip too low for certain plants, causing them to go into dormancy.

ANYTIME: The Case For Flexible Planting

gardener planting broccoli seedling

Image credits: zlikovec via Shutterstock

Those who argue that anytime is fine for planting flowers make a valid point: as long as you give the plants plenty of water and shade, they should be fine. This is especially true in areas with mild climates, where transplant shock is less of a concern.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, if you live in an area with extreme temperatures (hot or cold), it’s best to avoid planting during the peak of the day. Second, be sure to water your plants thoroughly immediately after planting, as they will be especially vulnerable to drought during their first few days in the ground. Finally, if planting flowers in the afternoon, try to plant them on overcast or cloudy days to also avoid shock.


So, what’s the verdict? When is the best time of day to plant flowers in your garden?

The answer may depend on your climate and gardening conditions. In general, though, morning and evening seem to be the best times for most gardeners. If you do choose to plant during the daytime, just be sure to give your plants plenty of water.

How To Plant Your Plants

Green Seedlings in Pot and Ground with Spade in Background

Image credits: Miller_Eszter via Pixabay

Planting can be a daunting task, but with a little bit of know-how, it can be a breeze! Here are some tips on how to successfully plant your flowers:

  • Choose the right time of year - The best time to plant most flowers is during the cool weather of spring or fall. Avoid hot summer days, as this can stress out your plants.
  • Water your plants thoroughly.
  • Prepare the new planting hole - Make sure the new hole is twice as wide as the root ball and just deep enough so that the plant will be at the same level in the ground as it was in its previous pot.
  • Gently remove the plant from its pot - Be careful not to damage the roots as you do this.
  • Place the plant in the new hole and backfill with soil.
  • Water your plant well - Be sure to give it a deep watering, as this will help settle the roots into their new home.

With these tips, planting your flowers will be a breeze! Just be sure to choose the right time of year and take extra care when handling their delicate roots and you'll be successful in no time!

In Summary

So, what is the best time of day to plant flowers in your garden? As you can see, it depends! If you want to make sure your plants have the best chance of thriving, it’s important to do some research and figure out when is the right time for your plants. Keep in mind that this advice may vary depending on your location – so be sure to do your homework before getting started. Have you ever transplanted planted flowers in your garden? What tips or tricks can you share with us? Let us know in the comments below!